
I believe education is the most powerful way to change the world, and I like thinking deeply about math pedagogy and math communication. 

During my first year at Davis, I created a math pedagogy reading course for first year students. This has grown into a reading course that serves all graduate students in the math and applied math programs, and will run every year. 

I have mentored undergraduate students at UC Davis through the Directed Reading Program (DRP). My first year I worked with a freshman on knot theory and hyperbolic knot complements, and this year I am working with a senior on representation theory. More info about the DRP can be found here.

Most recently, I've been part of a project to create a new calculus sequence at UC Davis that better prepares our students for future work. The sequence is called MAT 19, and focuses on teaching students how to apply calculus to economics and data science. Instead of 1 hour discussions, the 19 series has 2 hour weekly labs where students use R to manipulate large data sets and apply calculus to answer questions pertinent to their lives and the field of economics. Here is more info on the syllabi for 19A, 19B, and 19C.

Courses I've taught:

Courses I've TA'ed: