NLProc makes the world better

Hi, I am Alexander, a postdoctoral researcher at the Medical Faculty at Leipzig University, working on a medical chatbot, and at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, working on the ACQuA project. On the one hand, my research focuses on the retrieval-augmented generation in the medical domain. On the other hand, I study technologies that help individuals to make informed decisions.


Our SIGIR 2024 paper "Systematic Evaluation of Neural Retrieval Models on the Touché 2020 Argument Retrieval Subset of BEIR" just got uploaded to the ACM Digital Library.

Our article "A practice-based approach to teaching antimicrobial therapy using artificial intelligence and gamified learning" has been published at JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance.

Our Paper "Extending the Comparative Argumentative Machine: Multilingualism and Stance Detection" has been accepted at the 1st International Conference on Recent Advances in Robust Argumentation Machines (RATIO-24).

Our abstract titled "LLM-based question answering for the infectious disease domain" was accepted as an oral presentation at the 7th Joint Microbiology & Infection Conference of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM) and the Association of General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM).

Our resource paper, "Systematic Evaluation of Neural Retrieval Models on the Touché 2020 Argument Retrieval Subset of BEIR" was accepted at SIGIR 2024.

I gave a talk at the NLP Seminar at the University of Cambridge about my previous research on how search systems can respond to comparative questions and my current project on developing a chatbot in the domain of infectious diseases:  slides.

I was included in the top 30 best-connected authors in the German information retrieval community: "Preliminary Results of a Scientometric Analysis of the German Information Retrieval Community 2020-2023".

Our short paper "Stance-Aware Re-Ranking for Non-factual Comparative Queries" has been accepted at the Argument Mining workshop @ EMNLP 2023.