
Research Interests


Articles in Refereed Journals

Other Publications

Book Chapters

Working Papers 

Editorial Roles

2022-Present: Co-Founding Editor-in-Chief of Sports Economics Review.

2023-Present: Associate Editor in Empirical Economics

2020-Present: Associate Editor in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics.

2019-2020: Guest Editor in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. Special issue- Behavioral Economics and Decision Making in Sports.


Economic Journal, European Journal of Operational Research, Management Science, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Industrial Economics, Economic Inquiry, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Games and Economic Behavior, Economics and Human Biology, Journal of Behavioral and Decision Making, Judgment and Decision Making, Scientific Reports, European Sport Management Quarterly, Aggressive Behavior,  Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Plos One, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Annals of Operational Research, Contemporary Economic Policy, Journal of Sports Economics, Journal of Sports Sciences, German Economic Review, Social Choice and Welfare, Applied Economics, Journal of Sports Analytics, IZA World of Labor, Managerial and Decision Economics, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, International Journal of Sport Finance, International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, Mathematical Social Sciences, Central European Journal of Operations Research, Managing Sport and Leisure, International Transactions in Operational Research, International Journal of Behavioral Accounting and Finance, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, The BE Journal of Theoretical Economics, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics