Alex Kostylev

                       PhD Candidate in Economics, University of Edinburgh

About me

I am a Stipendiary Fellow (Postgraduate Researcher) and a PhD candidate at the University of Edinburgh School of Economics.

I  am available for work from June 2024 and expect to defend my thesis by September 2024.

Research Interests: 

My research lies in applied economics with focus on financial economics, political economics and their intersection. 

I am particularly interested in understanding the effect of foreign direct investment on quality of governance and the effects that different selection mechanisms have on public officials' behavior. My earlier works include investigations into pricing anomalies in financial markets.

My technical skills include proficiency in Python and Stata, extensive use of machine learning, large language models, web-scraping and text analysis. I applied and taught most principal statistical methods in applied economics and specialise on causal analysis, using text as data and working with large datasets. 

View my CV or read about my research


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