LGBT homepage

This is a landing page or menu of sorts leading to the number of arguments, debates and literature I have written out to defend LGBTQ+ rights. Since I have done quite a few already and intend to continue defending LGBTQ+ rights, I believe it's easier to have a page leading to all of them than having each one scattered somewhere on my writing page.

Please credit me with any information you copy paste from here for your GP essay or tuition debate!

Here is the entire script plus refutations for a debate a while ago with Jibraan Iddoo who was (and still is) extremely homophobic.

This is my planned script plus refutations for a debate organised by the Debating Society for activity day.

Part of my pride month package of information on the various flavours of the rainbow!

Part of my pride month package of information on the various flavours of the rainbow!

Part of my pride month package of information on the various flavours of the rainbow!

Part of my pride month package of information on the various flavours of the rainbow!