

NB stands for non binary in an LGBTQ+ context and is the abbreviation I will be using below to preserve my thumbs.

Non Binary, as the name suggests, corresponds to someone whose gender identity falls outside of the gender binary. That is, they are neither male nor female. While this probably goes against most of you guys' expectations of what gender is, I'll link a paper properly explaining gender and it's distinction from biological sex, although I explain it myself right after. But since I'm not credible enough, I'll link it anyways (it does make me happy when people want to learn more but I feel I'm too scary to encourage discussions).

As you'll understand in a bit, NBs do not fit in the male/female categories. Something to clarify is that they are not half male half female. Rather, imagine the colour wheel. While male and female may take up black and white, NBs do not fit in either and may instead associate themselves with red or blue or purple.

Gender and Sex

Sex is often (incorrectly) described as reliant on your sex chromosomes, that is, pair 23. The X chromosome is larger than the Y and XY = male while XX = female. That's not correct actually since the actual biological definition lies on gamete sizes (sperm and ovum)

Regardless of the definition of sex, it is important to note that gender and sex are two very distinct factors and gender is not equal to your sex. Sex is immutable - we have not found a way to modify genes across all the cells in the human body *yet*. <Since writing this, it may seem that such a technique is possible>

So, while sex is dependent on gamete size produced by the body (physical), gender leans more towards the brain and its construction (psychological?). You see, the human brain varies widely across humans - it is not strictly binary in construction (function is the same regardless) but rather fits on a spectrum. As such, gender, which is a psychological aspect, also has this spectrum attribute to it.

The Different Flavours

NB is a really big umbrella term which itself also lies under the transgender umbrella term. Recall that trans people's gender identity is different to the one on their birth certificate (although to clarify, several developed countries provide new birth certificates - you get my point though) and non-binary differs from male/female on there. This umbrella term acomodates for a range of gender identities including but not limited to genderfluid, demiboy/girl, and agender.

A little clarification that NB does not have anything to do with being gender non-conforming. An example to explain. A guy may wear a dress (very happy for him) while still being a guy (not according to some people). He does not conform to expectations from society, such as wearing trousers and a shirt which are in the most depressing colours imaginable. NB means that you yourself are not male or female. You don't fit in either box. As compared to a gender non-conforming guy who still fits in the "male" box.


Is it surprising that this is often the longest part of my story? I'm still trying to figure out a decent layout for this segment.

Lack of recognition

When is the last time you had a form ask for gender and providing only male and female checkboxes? Kind of hard to find ONE case of that, online or real world.

Well, considering we (most of you all) live in a pretty homophobic country already, it's hardly surprising for the latter. But even on the internet? I personally have only once encountered a third option which isn't "do not want to disclose" and that was on Spotify two weeks ago.

Some people like structure and rules, even if they are outdated and discriminatory. It is disappointing how we stick to what we are comfortable with, despite it negatively impacting other people. Our convenience at the sake of others!


Gender dysphoria also affects non binary people, as their body may not align with their gender identity. While I'm on the topic of dysphoria, I'd like to clear something up. Not all trans people experience gender dysphoria and it is not a "requirement" to being trans. Instead, it may rather be gender euphoria - the happiness of being perceived as who you are.

Coming back to the topic, NBs may experience gender dysphoria since their body does not correspond to their gender. However they would prefer to look is entirely up to them and varies from NB to NB. I felt I needed to throw this out there because a common thing is that NB people need to look androgynous in order to qualify as non binary. Androgynous is the case whereby a person's body doesn't look particularly masculine or feminine and lacks the "identifying traits" of either. NB people don't owe anyone an androgynous look in order to "qualify" for being NB plus there isn't anyone checking for that at the LGBTQ+ headquarters where queer people get their licenses.

Mental Health Issues

I had a deadline. I was in no mood to write a secondary essay on this. The statistics here accurately reflect those I mentioned in the previous article on trans people.

Heightened depression, anxiety and somatisation as compared to cisgender people, due to discrimination and a system which does not accommodate for them. I'll copy paste the stats here, please don't be mad.

- 4x more likely of physical aggression.

- 19% have been victims of some form of aggression from family members.

- 50% of adults reported discrimination in the office.

- 26% of adults have lost their jobs due to their gender.

- expressing signs of clinical depression (44.1%), anxiety (33.2%) and somatisation (25%). You tell me if these stats sound normal.

I would also like to supplement this with something I found. Half (and increasing) of trans people hide their identities in the workplace to avoid discrimination. Does this sound fair to you? People having to hide who they are so they aren't discriminated against?? People telling me LGBTQ+ folk are privileged need to wake up.