Alessio Pellegrini

About me

My name is Alessio. 

In May 2023 I successfully defended my PhD thesis "Generalized Novikov homology theory and growth rates in contact dynamics" in pure mathematics at ETH Zürich under the supervision of Will Merry and Paul Biran. 

Looking for jobs

As of now, I am on the job market. I'm looking to make an impact in the industry with a good cause (e.g. sustainable and ecological products) by using my mathematical- and problem solving skills (for instance, machine learning, differential geometry, dynamical systems...).

If you have an offer and/or want to know more about me, feel free to reach out to me via mail: alessio.a.pellegrini at gmail dot com.


I used to work in the area of symplectic topology and geometry. I'm especially interested in Floer-  and symplectic homology and their respective Novikov flavoured variations.  

Papers & thesis

Invited talks


I coorganized an informal seminar aimed towards master students and early PhDs interested in symplectic geometry:



My email adress is alessio.a.pellegrini at gmail dot com


Outside of mathematics I like to cook (Italian and Chinese cuisine), do sports (cycling, (trail) running, gym, bouldering, football, snowboarding, and crossfit)...

...and of course enjoy math memes! 

Climb to Colle Dell'Agnello (Italian-French border)