SoJump Screenshots

Figure A1

SoJump home page.

Figure A2

Types of products available in SoJump.

Figure A3

User dashboard with overview of existing studies.

Figure A4

Design wizard.

Figure A5

Edit questionnaire.

Figure A6

Questionnaire settings.

Figure A7

Quality control: Filter rules.

Figure A8

Quality control: Quota rules.

Figure A9

Creating a link and QR code to a study.

Figure A10

Selecting sample population requirements.

Figure A11

Timeline and process of fielding a study on SoJump.

Figure A12

Notification that SoJump received the researcher’s request for a quote.

Figure A13

Other important notifications before the data collection begins.

Figure A14

Monitoring survey progress and downloading the data. Responses considered invalid can be rejected by clicking on the trash bin.

Figure A15

Confirmation of survey completion.

Figure A16

Options for additional incentives for participants to increase participation.

Figure A17

Data analysis tab.