
  • Research Experience

    • RA for Prof. Oded Galor, Brown University (2016)

    • RA for Prof. Gauti B. Eggertsson, Brown University (2017,2018)

    • FIP Fund Internship Program, International Monetary Fund (2019)

    • Dissertation Fellowship, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (2019)

  • Teaching Experience

    • Graduate, Brown University: Micro Theory I (Prof. Rajiv Vohra), Micro Theory II (Prof. Kareen Rozen)

    • Undergraduate, Brown University: Advanced Macro (Prof. Gauti B. Eggertsson), Unemployment: Models and Policies (Prof. Pascal Michaillat), Inequality in the United States (Prof. Christina H. Paxson and Prof. David N. Weil)

    • Pre-College, Brown University: Intro to Macro (Main Instructor)