Research and CV

In 2022 I was a postdoctoral researcher at UMPA ENS Lyon. My advisor wass Alice Guionnet and my research was funded by the LDRam ERC advanced grant.

Before I worked at Instituto Superior Técnico of Lisbon under the supervision of Patrícia Gonçalves (my research was funded by the HyLEF ERC starting grant).

In fall 2021 I participated to the semester program "Universality and integrability in random matrix theory and interacting particle systems" at MSRI in Berkeley.

I completed my PhD at the University of Bonn in the group of Stochastic Analysis, working under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Patrik Ferrari. As a PhD student I was a member of the Bonn International Graduate School.

My research activity aims to investigate universality of fluctuations for models in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class and beyond under appropriate scaling limits. 

In particular, I focus on the study of universal behavior for models with integrable structure, among which interacting particle systems, like the (totally) asymmetric simple exclusion process, stochastic growth models, like the polynuclear growth model, and percolation models, like the last passage percolation.

Here you can find my CV in English and French.

Beethoven Frieze, Allegory of Poetry, Secession Building, Vienna, 1901. Gustav Klimt