Life Management

Supporting Quality Life Management So We Can Build a Better World !

January 2020

Cultivating the Life You Desire !

by Alicia Emily Halls

For Counselling and/or Life coaching contact ALEMACSS and Associates @ 310-8979 or 460-4752
The life we desire is closer than we realize. We have created barriers that led us to believe that this life is unattainable. While our past experiences may have dampen our present faith and lower our future expectations, as adults it is our responsibility to live a purposeful life. As the new year begins, we are bombarded by the images of "new beginnings" "vision 2020" and "new year resolutions". While nothing is wrong with the preceding cliches, you need to ask yourself. have I not done this before, last year and the year before.
We have started over so many times and while it is okay to start over, it is not okay to convince ourselves a new year represents a new life, especially if we lack discipline, if we are not prepared to do the work and focus on completion. Our desires are linked to our purpose. Have you discover your purpose, it is often link to your passion. if you have, why do you feel the need to start over every year? if you know what it is that passionately motivated you before life happened, that thing you dream about when you are alone. If you have not that should be the basis of your new year resolution. For help in discovering your passion you can contact ALEMACSS where we provide the right atmosphere and the the support you need in discovering what is your purpose and how do I cultivate the life I desire.
For those of you who have discovered your passion, let me share with you the the process that has helped me in cultivating a fulfilled life since that is the life I desire. First I had to understand myself and the uniqueness of my purpose. Secondly there was a need for me to believe that my purpose is larger than me and the one who created me will provide all that is required to complete the purpose for which I was created. Also there is a personal balance necessary for me to perfect this passion and in establishing that balance I must set goals and strategic plans for consistent daily, monthly, quarterly and yearly action. This consistent level of discipline is also critical in assuring continuity and evidence that my actions are being completed in a timely manner.
Acknowledging that some of the necessary resources and help I need has to be attained, I realize I must be responsible in setting up the means to attain them. After all is said and done I must be mindful to stop and evaluate my developments in order to determine if there is need to restructure the plan in alignment with the season of my life. With this blueprint there is no need to constantly start over but there is a need to keep moving and set new goals, after accomplishing those I set out to.
I encourage you to log in every month on this site as we cultivate the life we desire a life where we can live, give and build. Do not hesitate to reach out for help in identifying how to begin to move forward. BDBESSU.

Macro shot of stack of pebbles | Pikrepo
February 2020

The Equilibrium of Life!

by Alicia Emily Halls

For Counselling and/or Life coaching call ALEMACSS and Associates @ 310-8979 or 460-4752
As a Counsellor clients often complain about not having enough time, feeling overwhelm with work, life, family, business and self care. It is amazing that we all have 24 hours in a day, yet some of us get so much done while others struggle to complete one simple task. I have discovered that life requires a certain level of equilibrium in order for us to be effective and feel accomplish. The Equilibrium of our life, refers to that healthy balance which supports the flow of all our activities. At times when that balance is tipped by an unforeseen tragedy or one of life's significant events occur, such as birth, marriage, illness, death, moving, accidents, separation and the list can go on we often are required to step back an examine our priorities.
While I subscribe to the fact that there is no universal blueprint to cultivating the life you desire, I must say that there are some fundamentals in crafting the foundation to a successful balance life. I wish to share with you my discovery. Be mindful that your life consists of 7 key areas which require consistent nurturing.
  • Spiritual - Your relationship with your God.
  • Mental- the things that develops your mind and thoughts.
  • Physical - the nourishment and care of your physical being.
  • Personal - Relationship, connections and care for self and others.
  • Social- Interaction and involvement with your community.
  • Financial - Experiencing and accessing security and tangible commodities.
  • Environmental - Connections and Consciousness of what affects the world in which you live.

While some of these areas may be more important to some than others, we must assess what is priority to us. Set goals and make an effort to daily accomplish small tasks and develop habits to support our goals. Take risk in the process and always strife to be better. If you find yourself struggling in any area, connect with a counsellor or life coach. At ALEMACSS and Associates we offer a free consultation followed by professional support to help you achieve your balance. Do not be afraid to ask for help since life is short and filled with unexpected events, you may never be prepared for everything but by managing the equilibrium of your life you will be able to gain the necessary skill to cope with challenges and mange the situation to achieve the right balance for you. BDBESSU

Relationship Goals Part 1

By Alicia Emily Halls
For Counselling and/or Life coaching call ALEMACSS and Associates @ 310-8979 or 460-4752
A relationship can be identified as the act of being connected with something or someone. In a world where that connection has been redesigned to accommodate virtual contact, the original intent of relationships needs to be examine to ensure that your connections add value to your life.
Working with children I have discovered that Attachment theory has a strong component in a child's relationships and the way we connect and develop relationships as an adult. The onslaught of the virtual world has strongly contributed to the poor relationships and/or lack of genuine connections that fill our lives. These connections provide a safe zone in which we often times engage in unhealthy relationship practices. Psychologists describes attachment as as deep and emotional bond that connects one persons to another across time and space. Children who were not privileged to establish such attachments in their early development, display signs of withdrawal, fear, anger issues, unnatural independence, control issues, unrealistic expectation of others just to name a few. As adults persons who struggle to maintain healthy valuable relationships, may need to examine the developmental underpinnings that influences their behavior.
Therefore your first "Relationship goal should be to to develop a healthy relationship with yourself. Get to know yourself, understand and appreciate your strengths and weaknesses. Develop areas in your life that will enhance your every interaction, while being mindful to managed the areas that can be view as negative. The goal is to work towards becoming a better version of yourself. This initial "relationship goal" may take a life time to achieve, set out to enjoy the journey and be patience with yourself as you learn and share the lessons you have learnt in order to help others.
Remember when you add value to your life you are able to add value to others. Your relationship with others will be free of manipulation, insecurities, unclear boundaries and unrealistic expectations. On the journey to becoming the best version of you, there may be a need to get help. I recommend two things., one is to make it a relationship goal to consistently engage in communication with your creator. You must agree that the one who created you will be the best fit in guiding you, and helping you understand yourself and others.
Also you may require professional counseling and coaching in the area of understanding self and building healthy relationships. ALEMACSS and Associates can help you reach your goal. Feel free to give us to call and set up an appointment, as well as log in for Part 2 of "Relationship Goals".