Alejandra Avenia

She who succeeds in gaining the mastery of the bicycle will gain the mastery of life.

Susan B. Anthony


My educational career began at a young age, having discovered my love for teaching others through typical child's play. I vividly remember setting up a "school" at my aunt's house where I would spend my summers and recruiting my youngest cousin to be my pupil. We would spend hours pretending to be in a true classroom and it was there where the spark began.

At Bonham Academy I began my career as a Dual Language Teacher, which led to where I stand today, a graduate student of the University of Texas at San Antonio Master's program. My experiences at Bonham have led me to pursue a leadership path within education, having been motivated to continue to help others. There is no better way to do that than working directly with the teachers who are impacting our students on a daily basis. It is through them that our children reach great academic heights and surpass their own expectations.

Throughout my program I have had the opportunity to work with someone who has modeled what an effective leader looks like and what they do. Thanks to him, I have been inspired, motivated and encouraged to continue pursuing my goals within education. I look forward to taking more initiative within and outside Bonham and continuing to expand my abilities and experiences in order to become an effective leader myself.

Internship Artifacts

Capstone Project

21st Century Learning Campus

Capstone Project


Bonham Academy Team

Leading Learning Series

Experience SAISD

Campus Marketing Team

1st Place Winner

$500 Field Trip Fund

Lead4Ward Leading Learning Series

Campus Marketing Team Videos

Experience SAISD

Our Family Reads Night

Instructional Leadership

Tuning Committee

Professional Development

Game Day.pdf

Game Administrator

Campus Culture

Mock Teacher Observations 10/03/18

Interim Principal

Instructional Leadership

EDL 6943 Interview Questions (Responses)

Professional Interviews

Instructional Leadership

United Way Campaign

Total Raised: $1,529



Avenia_A Coaching 1

TTESS Coaching Experience

Human Capital

AEL Leadership Academy



pdf file Alejandra Avenia 1-4th Weeks.pdf
pdf file Alejandra Avenia 2-4th Weeks.pdf
pdf file Alejandra Avenia 3-4th Weeks.pdf
pdf file Alejandra Avenia 4-4th Weeks.pdf

Internship Hours

Fall 2018 Semester

Future Endeavors

Bilingual Residency Lab School

University of Texas at San Antonio

Visioning Session

SAISD Foundation Run 4 Education

Campus Coordinator

Other Skills and Interests

  • Fluent in Spanish

  • Avid animal lover

  • Enjoys designing and creating presentations

  • Organization is a key strength

  • Book lover