Thermo-mechanical transport in one dimension

Iacobucci, A, S. Olla, G. Stoltz. Thermo-mechanical transport in rotor chains, Journal of Statistical Physics, (2021) 183:26 [more here].

Iacobucci, A, S. Olla, G. Stoltz. Convergence rates for nonequilibrium Langevin dynamics, Annales mathématiques du Québec. 43, 73–98 (2019) [more here].

Galavotti, G., A. Iacobucci, S. Olla. Nonequilibrium stationary state for a damped rotator, arXiv:1310.5379 (2013) [more here].

Iacobucci, A., F. Legoll, S. Olla, G. Stoltz. Negative thermal conductivity of chains of rotors with mechanical forcing, Phys. Rev. E, vol. 84(6), 061108 (2011) [more here].

Iacobucci, A., F. Legoll, S. Olla, G. Stoltz. Thermal Conductivity of the Toda Lattice with Conservative Noise, Journal of Statistical Physics vol. 140(2), pp. 336-348 (2010) [more here].

Computational statistics

Chopin, N., A. Iacobucci, J.M. Marin, K. Mengersen, C.P. Robert, R. Ryder, C. Schäfer. On particle learning, arXiv:1006.0554 (2010) [more here].

Iacobucci, A., J.M. Marin, C.P. Robert. On variance stabilisation in population Monte Carlo by double Rao-Blackwellisation, CSDA, 54 (3), 698-710, (2010) [more here].

Spectral analysis of time series

Iacobucci A., A. Noullez. A frequency selective filter for short-length time series, Computational economics 25 (1), 75-102 (2005) [more here].

Iacobucci, A. Spectral analysis for economic time series, New Tools of Economic Dynamics. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, vol. 551, J. Leskow, L.F. Punzo, M.P. Anyul (eds), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2005) [more here].

Other writings

Nonequilibrium stationary states of rotor and oscillator chains, PhD thesis (2017) [more here + errata list].

The Art of R Programming: A Tour of Statistical Software Design by Norman Matloff, CHANCE 25 (2), 55-56 (2012) [more here].

Strutture multistrato piombo/germanio, Laurea thesis (1997) [more here].

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