On the morning of September 11, four terrorists boarded United Airlines Flight 93 at Newark International Airport: Ziad Jarrah, a trained pilot; and three others, who were trained in unarmed combat and would help storm the cockpit and control the crowd. All four sat in first class.

Initially, it was thought that terrorists might have been involved, as fear of aviation terrorism was high (with several major airlines in previous days cancelling flights on short notice). The British Prime Minister at the time, Tony Blair, was also on holiday in the Sharm El Sheikh area. A group in Yemen said that it destroyed the aircraft as retaliation against a new law in France banning headscarves in schools. Accident investigators dismissed terrorism when they discovered that the wreckage was in a tight debris field, indicating that the aircraft crashed in one piece; a bombed aircraft would have disintegrated and left a large debris field.[9]

Terrorist Takedown 3-FLT

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An explosive device within a vehicle is a common means of attack for some terrorist groups. Car bombs were frequently used by the IRA during the Troubles in Northern Ireland. International terrorist groups such as Al Qaida and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) often use suicide operatives in vehicles to improve the likelihood of the explosives detonating at the required moment.

In November 2015, a terrorist cell conducted a series of coordinated attacks in Paris, using firearms and suicide bombs. The attackers targeted the Bataclan Theatre, the Stade de France and a number of cafes and restaurants, killing 130 people and injuring 368 more. ISIL claimed responsibility for the attacks the following day. This was the most sophisticated western attack carried out by ISIL, involving at least nine operatives and using multiple weapons including automatic firearms and person-borne improvised explosive devices (PBIEDs).

To date, no such attacks have taken place in the UK. Alternative methods of attack, such as explosive devices, are more reliable, safer and easier for terrorists to acquire or use. Nevertheless, it is possible that Al Qaida, ISIL or other terrorist groups may seek to use chemical, biological or radiological material against the West.

In addition to physical attack methods, terrorists may also try to access information that may be of use to them. For example, they may try to radicalise an individual within an organisation who can provide "inside" information that helps to plan an attack.

These words, uttered by a senior Pentagon official, summed up the now-historic raid on May 2, 2011, during which SEAL Team Six secretly descended upon a compound in Pakistan, blew down doors and engaged enemy combatants. The goal: kill or capture terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.

Remarks on Feb. 3, 2022: Good morning. Last night, operating on my orders, United States military forces successfully removed a major terrorist threat to the world: the global leader of ISIS, known as Hajji Abdullah.

This is the same terrorist tactic of his predecessor: taking his own life and his own family, rather than face justice or stand and fight on his own. Both these terrorist leaders murdered their own families.

An associate of Hajji Abdullah -- another ISIS terrorist, an ISIS lieutenant -- barricaded himself and members of his own family in the second floor. He and his wife engaged the assault force. They were killed in the course of the operation.

Looking ahead, the terrorist threats we face today are more ideologically diverse and geographically diffuse than 20 years ago. Groups such as ISIS and al Qaeda have expanded across Africa and Southeast Asia. These global networks and affiliates still aspire to attack the United States.

And I think the key facts of this operation, again, just show the barbarity of these ISIS terrorists. All the casualties at the site were due specifically to their actions, including the significant detonation of Hajji Abdullah and the decision of his lieutenant to barricade himself on a second-floor room and engage U.S. assault forces.

And then, further in the course of what was nearly two hours on the ground -- which was the plan initially and continued to be the plan that was carried out -- towards the end of that period, there was hostile action from local forces. I think it's important to keep in mind that this area is controlled by, in many cases, Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham, which is, by our estimate, a group that is a terrorist group; it certainly has al Qaeda affiliations.

SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL: So the assault force on the second floor, we knew that Hajji Abdullah lived in this residence with another ISIS terrorist, lieutenant of his. And he was involved in making sure that -- even though Hajji Abdullah, again, never left his residence, because he used these -- his own family and the residents -- the family on the first floor, including a number of children -- basically as his human shields.

SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL: Let me just -- as the intelligence came in -- that we believed we had a lead on Hajji Abdullah -- of course, the President was briefed on this immediately and directed all of the whole interagency and national security team following these issues to make sure we did everything we possibly could to confirm his identity, and then, the President, obviously directing his military intelligence team to find the best mechanism to take this terrorist off the battlefield.

And the President was briefed in December in detail, including, again, operational commanders came in to the Situation Room and briefed the President on a number of possible options for taking down this terrorist target, including the extraordinary complexity because of the number of children in the area, the families on the first floor, and the fact that Hajji Abdullah, with the exception of sometimes going to pray on his roof, never came out of the house. He ran ISIS through couriers and by staying on the third floor of his residence.

This takedown was the result of Nolan installing a failsafe in his Carrion software before giving it to Padma to be be surrendered to the Initiative. The Falcon then used the program to trick Aiden into blacking out New York City, which implicated himself and then Nolan in the bombings. However, this activated Nolan's built-in backup program in the software which exposed the identities of the Initiative's remaining members and their role in the bombing. This resulted in the Initiative's members being arrested and the organisation being disbanded, exhonerating Nolan. Conrad's exemption from this was either due to him being a late addition to the group, or a conscious decision from Nolan to leave him unscathed and not disrupt Emily's revengenda.

For this takedown, Emily called Sara's mother Loretta Deaton and told her that Sara having an affair with Daniel. Loretta demanded that Sara stop her affair with Daniel, but Sara refused, so Loretta disowned her. Later, Sara told Daniel that she wasn't the type to break up a marriage and said good-bye to him.

For this takedown, Emily planned to take revenge on him by exposing him on his visit to the Hamptons. With help from Jake, Emily steals the "natural" substance that he will present as natural and harmless. When the day of the presentation arrives, Jake connects a USB stick in Luke's presentation saying "Taste good, Mr. Gilliam?" and drinking the real harmful substance that Emily had changed. Luke ends poisoned and in a hospital with his carreer over.

For this takedown, Emily had Charlotte kidnapped and showed her clips of Flight 197, while explaining that Conrad and Victoria were responsible for it. At the same time, she told Conrad that he and Victoria will hold a press conference and confess to the downing of Flight 197. Emily gave Conrad a box that contained a fake ear and a video that Nolan edited to make it look like they were beating Charlotte up. Jack let Charlotte go and she headed to Grayson manor to confront Conrad about what she had learned. Conrad exploded in anger and ranted about all if his crimes and threatened Charlotte. What Conrad didn't know was that a camera planted on Charlotte's jacket broadcast Conrad's confession to the world. The police then arrived and arrested Conrad.

For this anticipated takedown, Emily was not only avenging her father, but her boyfriend Aiden who Victoria murdered as revenge for the death of her Fiancee Pascal LeMarchal. Emily shows up at Dr Michelle Banks practice enraged and intimidates Michelle into helping her, as she was an accomplice to the murder of Aiden. A short while after, Emily visits Grayson Manor and talks to Charlotte and asks if she have her father's body moved for safety sake. This method is used to lure Victoria out to the Graveyard to where she finds Emily digging up presumably her father's grave. The two have a confrontation and it ends with Emily showing Victoria she was not digging up her father's grave, but Amanda's. Straight after, she knocks out Victoria with her shovel. Hours later Victoria wakes up in a psychiatric hospital with Emily by her side, who was able to convince the hospital that Victoria was 'obsessing' over the theory that Emily was Amanda for months and that she had found Victoria digging up Amanda's grave. With the help of Michelle who wrote out fake sessions and reports to help Emily out of guilt, Victoria was officially institutionalized.

The subway terrorist attack scenario was in a simulated tunnel with multiple DC Metro railcars. A line of intact and upright railcars near the station entrance led to one railcar on its side almost blocking the tunnel. The scenario included several survivors inside and around the perimeter of the overturned railcar along with some suspicious packages that could have been secondary explosives.

Forty years ago today on October 18, 1977, West German counter-terrorist commandos from the GSG-9 stormed a hijacked airliner in Mogadishu, Somalia during Operation Fire Magic (Feuerzauber) and freed 86 hostages and took down the terrorists after five days of airport hopping thru Europe and the Middle East. be457b7860

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