

Constructive episodic retrieval processes underlying memory distortion contribute to creative thinking and everyday problem solving 

Thakral, P.P., Barberio, N., Devitt, A.L., & Schacter, D.L. (2022). Memory & Cognition.


Decoding the neural activation of emotional future thoughts

Devitt, A.L., Thakral, P.P., Schacter, D.L. (2021). Cognitive Neuroscience.

Linking creativity and false memory: Common consequences of a flexible memory system. 

Thakral, P.P., Devitt, A.L., Brashier, N., & Schacter, D.L. (2021). Cognition.


Age-related changes in repetition suppression of neural activity during emotional future simulation

Devitt, A.L., Thakral, P.P., Szpunar, K., Addis, D.R., & Schacter, D.L. (2020). Neurobiology of Aging.


Looking on the bright side: Aging and the impact of emotional future simulation on subsequent memory 

Devitt, A.L., & Schacter, D.L. (2019). Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences.

Adaptive constructive processes: An episodic specificity induction impacts false recall in the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm

Thakral, P.P., Madore, K.P., Devitt, A.L., & Schacter, D.L. (2019). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.


Episodic Future Thinking and Cognitive Aging

Schacter, D.L., Devitt, A.L., & Addis, D.R. (2018). In B. Knight, S.D. Neupert, N.D. Anderson, H. Wahl, & N.A. Pachana (Eds.) Oxford Encyclopedia of Psychology and Aging. Oxford University Press.

An optimistic outlook creates a rosy past: The impact of episodic simulation on subsequent memory

Devitt, A.L., & Schacter, D.L. (2018). Psychological Science, 29, 936–946.

Constructive Episodic Simulation, Flexible Recombination, and Memory Errors

Schacter, D.L., Carpenter, A.C., Devitt, A.L., Roberts, R.P., Addis, D.R. (2018). Commentary on: “Why Do We Remember? The Communicative Function of Episodic Memory”, by J. Mahr & G. Csibra. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.


Episodic and semantic content of memory and imagination: A multilevel analysis

Devitt, A.L., Addis, D.R., & Schacter, D.L. (2017). Memory & Cognition, 45, 1078–1094.

Functional neuroimaging studies of autobiographical memory retrieval: past, present and future

Addis, D.R., Wiebels, K., & Devitt, A.L. (2017). In T. Tsukiura & S. Umeda (Eds.) Memory in Social Context: Brain, Mind, and Society. Tokyo: Springer.


False memories with age: neural and cognitive underpinnings

Devitt, A.L., & Schacter, D.L. (2016). Neuropsychologia, 91, 346–359. 

Autobiographical memory conjunction errors in younger and older adults: Evidence for a role of inhibitory ability

Devitt, A.L., Tippett, L.J., Schacter, D.L., & Addis, D.R. (2016). Psychology and Aging, 31(8), 927–942.

Bidirectional interactions between memory and imagination

Devitt, A.L. & Addis, D.R. (2016). In K. Michaelian, S.B. Klein & K.K. Szpunar (Eds), Seeing the Future: Theoretical Perspectives on Future-Oriented Mental Time Travel. Oxford University Press.

Factors that influence the generation of autobiographical memory conjunction errors

Devitt, A.L., Monk-Fromont, E., Schacter, D.L., & Addis, D.R. (2016). Memory, 24, 204–222. 


Making the future memorable: The phenomenology of remembered future events.

McLelland, V.C., Devitt, A.L., Schacter, D.L., & Addis, D.R. (2015). Memory, 23(8), 1255–1263.