
Benbrook Library Summer Camp

Over the summer, we set up and taught a robotics summer camp at the Benbrook Public Library.  We showed kids how to design, build, and code Lego EV3 robots, and promoted FLL by introducing its challenges.


Along with our sister teams 6566, 9161, and 13811 we hosted a myriad of teams for the 2022-2023 "Power Play" kick-off. Each Aledo team presented something that they did well on in the previous season or something that they had been working on. We chose to present how to use TensorFlow and how to create a custom tflite model.

Aledo 4H

One of our members is apart of the Aledo 4H, which works to inspire people to join different fields of engineering. We were able to host one of their meetings where we taught people what we do in Robotics and how we can help shape the engineering work industry.

Educational Presentation

At a district and state public speaking event, one of our members gave an educational presentation on how to build an engineering portfolio for a FIRST robotics competition

Robot Lockheed Martin Visit

During the summer, we went to Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth, Texas. They showed us the assembly line and the flight simulator. They also gave us insight into how large engineering industries work using precise automated machinery.

Stuard Elementary STEM Night

We hosted a STEM booth with STEM Night activities and education for students and parents at Stuard Elementary School. Students took part in an engineering activity in which they had to lift a Ping Pong ball from a designated distance using paper, tape, and paper clips. If they didn’t succeed, they had to repeat the task and redesign it. Approximately 75 students took part in this activity.

STEAM Carnival

We participated in the 2023 steam carnival spreading the beliefs of First, as well as influencing some students to get involved with STEAM programs.

Social Media / Podcast

In order to reach out to others in the community as well as celebrate the first spirit and raise knowledge of future or current events, we have created a social media presence on multiple platforms, as well as through our podcast.