8103 Non-Cooperative Game Theory


(Non-Cooperative Game Theory)

Term: Spring 2024

Teacher: Professor ALDO RUSTICHINI



Basic Information

The course covers the basic notions of Non -Cooperative Game Theory, both Normal Form and Extensive Form games.There are going to be home-works, a midterm in the fourth week, and a final in the last week.

Homeworks count for 20 per cent, midterm and final exam for 40 per cent of the final grade. The final exam is on the last day of class, at the time of the lecture. The Course description is below. This Syllabus is an official description of the content of the course; so any concept in the list may be in the final exam, and in the preliminary exam for this section.  

Information on times and place are at the OneStop

Links to an external s

Number of credits:  2

Course description

The course covers the basic notions of Non cooperative Game Theory, Normal Form and Extensive Form games. 

These are the topics more in detail: