Is an ATV Covered by Homeowner's Insurance?

Homeowner's insurance can be extremely confusing. It has so many components that it will leave you scratching your head. Luckily, it can be broken down into those many components. After broken down, you will be able to decipher whatever information you need to get from it.

Questions concerning ATV insurance coverage often comes up when talking about homeowner's insurance. Many homeowners also have ATVs and would like to know does their regular homeowner's policy cover their ATV? The answer to this question is not so cut and dry. It takes a little more explanation to get to the root of that answer.

Homeowner's Insurance Policies

Although this is rare, there are some policies that do offer coverage. In these cases, most often you will find that the policies will display very limited coverage. These policies will only cover liability and damages for your personal property. It will not cover your ATV for anyone else's property or while it is being taken to another location. Keep in mind that another person's homeowner's insurance may not cover it at all while it is in use on their property. This will be a major issue if your ATV is damaged or you suffer injuries during situations such as this.

By doing some research on your own homeowner's policy, you can easily find out what they provide as it pertains to an ATV. More than likely, you will quickly find that it may be less than par for what you may desire for your ATV. If this is the case, then you will need to purchase an additional policy just for your ATV.

ATV Insurance

Most homeowner's insurance policies do not cover your ATV. If you want adequate coverage for your ATV or off road vehicle you will need to purchase a separate insurance policy. This will insure that you will have:

  • Property coverage for theft of vandalism

  • Coverage for medical bills on or away from the premises

  • Coverage for damages when hauling

  • Coverage for injured passengers

Some must consider a commercial vehicle insurance policy to cover their ATV or UTV. Commercial insurance is a policy that is designed to cover physical damage and liability for amounts not covered by a personal auto insurance policy. Commercial auto insurance can be useful for owners who desire greater coverage for their property.

Getting ATV Insurance

Securing ATV insurance is much like getting auto insurance. The process is similar, but it can be much less expensive. You may want to consider a few things:

  • Important Components (What components are most important to you?)

  • Rates (How much can you afford?)

  • Stand Alone Policy (Do you want to couple it with an existing policy you already have?)


Once you have decided that you want to jump all in and get that perfect ATV, before you leave and take it home, have your sights set on your insurance provider. Know who will provide your insurance. Know primarily what you will use your ATV for. Know who will be using it. Purchase your insurance and begin your adventure.

You have made a great purchase and a very sound decision. Now it is time to ENJOY YOURSELF!