Alceste Psychology-Law (APL) Lab

Undergraduate students in Dr. Alceste's lab do either lab-wide or individual research projects pertaining to the study of police interviews, interrogations, and false confessions. 

Ilee Folkens '25

Frances Storgion '25

Lauren Motz '25

Sophi Zazycki '25

Gabi Mathus '25

Ashley Peters '25

Maddie Stine '25

Maitlyn Griner '26

Gabriella Donohue '25

Molly Goodman '25

Coco Dailey '26

Jeffrey Anton '26

Audrey Ecelbarger '26

Sami Mullett '27

Current and past thesis students

American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) 

Butler Undergraduate Research Conference (URC)

Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA)

Past APL Lab members