Welcome to KQCC Chess Program at Albion


Our Program

Multiple benefits of chess are known to help children’s academic performance as well as their personal development. 

Our King & Queen Chess Club(👈website 's mission is to promote and popularize CHESS-intelligent sport to the younger generations.

Our academy aims to introduce CHESS to the schools' students and grow along with our child's learning and personal development!

At  Albion campus, while developing the children's chess potential in the nearby areas, we also target to encourage passionate and talented players who, within a year or two, will form strong school chess teams at their respective schools.

Convenient Location

📍Albion Cultural & Sporting Center || 31 Dover St, Albion QLD 4010

📍More parking spaces on roadsides

📍Reach us from many schools ONLY within 15 minutes

We believe

GENIUS is NOT born, it can be MADE!

Instead of saying I'm not good at that, 

try getting into the habit of telling yourself, 

I may not be good at it now, 

but if I learn a lot and work hard,

I CAN BE GOOD in the future!