Docx To Doc


If you do need to access the file with MS Word, then I'd recommended to save it as ____ and 1___ as 2_____. Saving it in older doc version will guarantee (most of the time) to open it in the original document formatting.

I have a document that Word 2010 can open when I save it (with Libreoffice 3.6.2) as .doc, but if I save it as .docx, the document cannot be opened at all in Word (there is an error message). This is consistent (as is your experience) with the hypothesis that LO does not properly write .docx.

like you need to handle every document in a different way in python and then you need to do the process on it and for handling every document in python we can get ready made code on google, but for me I have created different program for .pdf extention , and created diifrent program for .csv, .docx , .txt extensions.

When submitting a paper in college I need to have it double spaced. For any apple user, the equivalent to word is pages.....but saving (exporting) .pages files to .docx messes up the format and doesn't keep it double spaced. I've searched but can't seem to find a work-around in making a .docx file double spaced when exporting a .pages file........the only other solution I have found is exporting the file as a PDF. If anyone else knows how to fix this issue please halp!

Have you actually submitted an exported, double-spaced Pages document as .docx, and had it rejected because it was not found to be double-spaced, when the faculty actually opened it in MS Word? Or did you assume, because Preview and Quick Look do not show double-spacing on the same exported .docx, that Pages is at fault?

The same double-spaced, exported .docx document when opened in LibreOffice Writer v6.4.0 clearly shows double-spacing. I do not use MS Word, or have access to it, but I do trust LibreOffice for showing double-spaced fidelity with said exported content. Verify that you have selected the text to be double-spaced in Pages, and applied the following Spacing setting:

This is a problem b/c the web interface for Google Drive opens any hosted docx in its web editor, which triggers this problem. Is there a way to keep Google Docs from squashing references inside docx files?

Lens Viewer is great application for displaying scientific articles for JATS XML.

For our journal I have developed DOCX to JATS converter, which make the transformation process more convenient. The link to the project on Github: GitHub - Vitaliy-1/DOCX2JATS: Java project, aimed to facilitate DOCX to JATS XML transformation for scientific articles

Because DOCX OOXML format is not very structured, which is not the case for JATS XML, input articles must be highly structured. Also, because OOXML is not contain any metadata, latter must be entered manually.

My project includes TEIC stylesheets for the hardwork and Java for more subtle parsing of references (for now only in AMA, Vancouver citations style) in-text references, table and figure labels, titles and captions. The examples of how articles must be formatted in DOCX are situated in the root directory of the project (article1.docx, article2.docx). For good results articles MUST have the same format:

To run the program java 8 must be installed. Link to archive: Releases  Vitaliy-1/DOCX2JATS  GitHub

Archive contains 1.jar file and stylesheets folder, which need to be unziped into one directory. Because I am not good programmer, there is a need to place article in docx format in this folder before making transformation. Suppose archive is unzipped on the drive C in the jats folder. Input article article1.docx is also situated there. From windows cmd user need to go to this folder and enter:

java -jar 1.jar C:\jats\article1.docx article1.xml

Converter does not parse metadata and formulas. Also tables may need some correction. If article in docx is accordingly formatted the full process of manual correction takes about 30 minutes (in our case). Maybe someone also finds this converter usefull.

It is need to be pointed that we use the last version of Lens Viewer and parser converts articles according to it`s JATS XML support.

JohnsonJG - Maybe this is because of this reference. The program expects author surname and given names to be separate. But like I said, it will be better for me to take a look at this docx, transform it and check with eLife Lens Viewer.

The USPTO encourages Applicants to begin filing patent applications in the DOCX format before the new effective date of the fee. Applicants can file test submissions through the Patent Center training mode to practice filing in DOCX. In addition, the USPTO is continuing to host public DOCX training sessions. Information on filing application documents in DOCX and a link to the DOCX training sessions are available at .

I am trying to process a API response, which is of type binary (please see screen shot of API response about how it looks). I want to perform validation of file contents post downloading/saving it to .docx file. Can any one point me in right direction on how we can achieve the same.


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