Publications and Talks
List of Publications
Under Review:
Dominici, G., Baribiero P., Epsinosa Zarlenga, M., Termine A., Gjoreski, M., Marra G., Langheinrich, M. (2024). Causal Concept Embedding Models: Beyond the Causal Opacity of Deep Learning. under review. pre-print available here .
Journal Publications:
Regular and Short Papers published in Conference Proceedings:
Ferrario, A., Termine, A., & Facchini, A. (2024). Addressing Social Misattributions of Large Language Models: An HCXAI-based Approach. forthcoming. pre-print available here.
Termine, A., Antonucci, A., Facchini, A. (2023) Machine Learning Explanations by Surrogate Causal Models (MaLESCaMo). In 1st XAI World Conference, XAI 2023, Lisbon, Portugal, July 26-28, 2023, Proceedings (late-breaking works and demo). Communications in Computer and Information Science, Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Book Chapters:
Termine, A., & Primiero, G. (2024). Causality Problems in Machine Learning Systems. in Routledge Handbook of Causality and Causal Methods, F. Russo and P. Illari, Eds., Routledge, forthcoming.
Publications in Italian:
Facchini, A., & Termine, A. (2021). Intelligenza artificiale e metodo scientifico: può l'IA sostituire l'intuizione umana nel processo di scoperta scientifica?. Rivista Teologica di Lugano, 26(3), 11-28.
Other Publications:
*Equal contribution, Alphabetic order.
List of Talks
Incoming Talks:
No incoming talks at the moment.
Talks at International Peer-Reviewed Conferences:
November 2024: Biennal Conference of the Philosophy of Science Association (PSA 2024): "Machine Learning and Theory Ladenness: A Phenomenological Account". New-Orleans, US.
July 2024: 2nd World Conference on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI 2024): Special Track on "Generative Explainable AI and Verifiability." organised together with Francesco Sovrano (UniZH) and Tim Miller (University of Queensland). Mediterranean Conference Center, La Valletta, Malta.
May 2024: 10th Biennial Conference of the Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice: ''Explainability with Large Language Models: the Meta-Explainability Problem''. Ann Johnson Institute for Science, Technology and Society, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, US.
September 2023: European Philosophy of Science Association Biennial Meeting (EPSA 2023), Belgrade, Serbia, "XAI as mediator: the role of Explainable AI in Scientific Research"; part of the symposium "Explainable AI in Scientific Research" co-organized with: Alessandro Facchini (IDSIA USI-SUPSI), Lena Kästner (Bayreuth), Carlos Zednick (Eindhoven University of Technology), Barnaby Crook (Bayereuth), Emanuele Ratti (Bristol), Hajo Greif (Warsaw University of Technology);
July 2023: 1st International Conference on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI Conference), Lisbon, Portugal, "Machine Learning Explanation by Surrogate Causal Models (MaLESCaMo)", late-breaking work and demos track;
July 2022: 9th biennal meeting of the Society for the Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSP): "Beyond Hypotheses-driven and data-driven biology through Explanaibale AI: a proposal", University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium. Part of the symposium "Opacity and Explainability in data-centric science" co-organized together with: Alessandro Facchini (IDSIA, Lugano) and Hans Joachim Greif (Warsaw Univrsity of Technology).
April 2022: 4th workshop on Scientific Understanding and Representation (SURe): "Can Explainable AI safeguard scientific understanding? Towards an XAI-related hybrid approach to scientific research" Fordham Univeristy, New York City, NY (US).
March 2022: International Spring School in the History, Philosophy and Sociology of Large Physics Experiments, "Countering Epistemic Opacity in data-centric science through eXplainable AI" University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany.
October 2021: The Eight International Conference on Logic, Rationality and Interaction, LORI VIII, "Modelling Accuracy and Trustworthiness of Explaining Agents".
September 2021: International Conference on Philosophy and Theory of AI, PT-AI 2021, "A Taxonomy of Model Opacity for the XAI Practitioner".
September 2021: International Conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy, SIFA 2021, "The Contextual View of Model Opacity and the Methodology of Explainable AI".
July 2021: Logic Colloquium 2021, "Modelling depth-bounded Boolean reasoning with Markov decision processes and reinforcement learning".
July 2021: International Symposium of Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications, ISIPTA 2021, "Robust Model Checking with Imprecise Markov Reward Models".
June 2021: European Conference on Multi Agent Systems, "Logic and Model Checking by Imprecise Probabilistic Interpreted Systems".
June 2020: CiE International Conference, "PCTL for Aleatoric and Epistemic Uncertainty" (informal presentation).
December 2019: AISC Annual Meeting, "Epistemological Reflection on Bayesian Modelling in Neuroscience".
May 2019: SINE-INS International Conference on the future of Neuroethics, "Is the Brain a Bayesian Machine?".
Talks as Invited Speaker:
September 2024: "Innovating with AI: The Next Frontier in Science & Research". Higher Education Institutions Conference. Invited Panelist in a Panel Discussion, organised by Zagreb School of Economics and Management, hosted by Dubrovnik Palace Hotel, Dubrovnik.
May 2024: "Addressing the Social Attribution of Large Language Models: A Social Transparency Approach". Invited Talk, Digital Society Initiative. University of Zürich.
April 2024: Explainability with Large Language Models: Opportunities, Challenges and Risks. Inveted Lecture, University of Bayreuth (
September 2022: "The causal opacity of deep learning". Workshop organized online.
September 2022: "Should physicians follow the recommendations of AI experts?". Part of the workshop "To trust or not to trust: when should AI be allowed to make decisions?". EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
March 2022: "Model Checking Multi Agent Systems with Imprecise Probabilities", LUCI Group, Department of Phiosophy, University of Milan, Milan, Italy.
October 2021: "Pragmatic Opacity: A Taxonomy", Philosophy of AI Research Group, University of Zurich.