MA knew about Chalmers  2020 $7M loss

Records released in evidence Municipal Affairs forced to provide - shows knowledge of Council misleading residents.

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Weekly Highlights

This week,

2017-2020 Coverup

Brother in law Mayor Marshal is accused of Corruption and Fraud in 2020 and Municipal Affairs does nothing!?!  

Sept 2020 past Council accused of Corruption & Fraud. Minister does nothing.

What was happening in 2020??? According to CTV, CBC, Calgary Herald, Strathmore News, Anchor News.... In Dec 2020, they reported the City of Chestermere was saving money, doing great, never better....and good enough to provide a tax cut of 2%.

Then how is it that Deputy Minister Sandberg, is forced to admit, while ex Mayor Chalmers was in Council 2017 to 2020 there were Deficits all four years? Deficits increased 54% and in 2020 Chalmers lost $7,070,088 in that year alone??

This is wrong. These politicians lie through their teeth to us and cover it up. Chalmers never told residents he lost $7M in 2020, or that he was running losses every year. McIver knew Chestermere had lost $7M in 2020 and had complaints of fraud and corruption against his brother in law Mayor Chalmers and did nothing. 

Chalmers quoted as saying Dec 2020,  - News Agencies - When he lost over $7M

CTV - "We did a deep analysis of historical spending and assessed programs to find more efficiencies"

CBC - "To achieve recurring tax decreases, city administration reviewed numerous expenditures, found efficiencies...

Herald - "Last year (2019) we were the only municipality we know of  to pursue a tax cut, and we have every intention of cutting taxes again this year, he added."

Airdrie City View / Rockyview Weekly - "For the third year in a row, Chestermere City Council has announced it will reduce its property tax requirement for 2021. Council approved a 1.1% tax cut at its Dec 1 meeting."

City News - "We're budgeting off historical lower trends in actual spending vs budget to budget and adding on to the previous number"

Strathmore Now - "When we were elected our residents told us that taxes were out of control. We took that very seriously and have worked diligently each year to find efficiencies. We take pride in doing so, especially this year. Said Mayor Chalmers.

Anchor  - "During the Nov 12 Committee of the Whole meeting the CAO, Bernie Morton, and CFO Brenda Hewko presented the draft operating budget and capital budget for the upcoming year.  This would be the third year of reductions if the budget is approved by City Council" Chestermere Press release.

"We're excited to have the opportunity to bring another two percent tax cut as presented.  Adding "clearly administration has done an enormous amount of work to get us to this point" said Chalmers.

Clearly, the ex-Mayor Chalmers and Council during 2017 to 2020 mislead the public, used grants to keep the city above water for Operational expenses, meant for capital expenditures, roads, infrastructure and recreation. He lost $7,000,000 in one year, 2020 and then he and council mislead the public and give a 2% tax savings. (That was proven a savings, actually never happened).

ctv 2020.pdf
Airdrie 2020.pdf
herald 2019.pdf
strathmore news.pdf
city news.pdf
anchor 2020.pdf
cbc 2020.pdf

Municipal Affairs, forced to admit Past City Financial Performance- Dismal

2023 11 sandberg affidavit financial performance.pdf

Municipal Affairs admits past councils financial performances were Dismal - $7M Deficit in 2020. Mayor Chalmers 2017-2020

Municipal Affairs demonstrates bias.

Just not adding up!

A city runs a $7m loss and then jumps to a plan for $40m soccer fieldhouse. They just want to keep spending, it is like a kid in a candy store. No financial expertise, no additional revenue plans, just spend and take out debt, more huge debt. 

The council, has no interest in looking at a similar $7.4m soccer fieldhouse? Why not? Makes no sense. A tour was offered to all councilors, only C. Foat was interested. No one else!!!!!!! They were all ok wasting tax payers funds. Wasting $25 million dollars. 

Below is the actual contract for the $7.4M, actually built large FiFa size soccer field house. Plus in mid 2023, an updated quote for the soccer field house and a larger sized one. Proving the pricing was accurate and still is. 

Why would councilors voted in to save tax payers funds, not even look at options of 20% of the price? Residents deserve better. Smarter spending.

2023 New Quote for Indoor Soccer Field House $8.75M

$8.75M, 2023 Quote for Field House, proving $40M facility by past council was improper and needs investigation.

v2 2023 Field house Quote Rocky View Soccer Centre Facility - Example for Chestermere v2.pdf

This facility  can be built starting at $8.75M and can have any front facade built on the front to make it have different appearance's. Such as Glass, Rock and can be designed to have additional amenities with in this additional area.

This proves that the Civic Field House was way over priced at $40M.

Larger 120,000 sqft facility budget. Also built of a municipality around Calgary. The numbers are correct. 

For the naysayers, the front of the building can have a more attractive front if desired. once with jut outs, in stone or glass. Add another front lobby area to the space. The main soccer area is always the same. Tall, long trusses and prefabricated walls along the rear and sides. 

The $40M civic soccer facility was improper and needs a full police investigation.

The City received a quote in May 2023, on new Field Houses. There are two sizes being looked at, a similar sized one as the old Civic centre , approx 90,000 sqft, the size of a normal full size fifa large field. The 30% larger size is 120,000 sqft field house. Which is quite a bit larger allowing more configurations for splitting the field in the winter.

The larger 120,000 sqft Field House similar as being built in a prominent community, the quote is for $12.5M. including parking lot and site servicing and preparation.

Normal 90,000 sqft Field House quote is for $8.75M. Including the parking lot, site servicing and preparation.

These include:

9 dressing rooms

4 offices

4 meeting rooms

Fitness Gym

Storage (4 dressing room equivalent)

Players washrooms

Spectators washrooms

Spectators seating on second floor

Plots Uncovered

Below, you can see obvious conflict of interest breaches, plans to remove councilors days after elected by Minister McIver, Councilor Narayan, Dean & Watt, and City's lawyer.

Conflict Act april 2023.pdf

Alberta Conflict of Interest ACT

2021 11 08 brownlee-llp-summary-letter.pdf

Municipal Affairs' caught plotting removal of councilor Nov 8, 2021.

Same day, Councilor Narayan and City lawyer caught plotting inspection & councilor removal.

2021 11 08 RJ ritesh sharing with sandy and shannon not council_Redacted (1).pdf

Nov 8, 2021 Councilor Narayan and City Lawyer caught plotting council removal and inspection.

aug 2 arguments v3.pdf

Fraudulent change of Minutes. staff member caught accepting alleged bribe for promotion and raise by Municipal Affairs. Places fraud 2022 minutes in wrong place, 2018 archive. MA finds these minutes, like a needle in a haystack and trys to cover up.

2023 july leaked letter redacted.pdf

RCMP fake charges exposed

Mayors notes.pdf

Mayors comments about situations

2022 06 14 ritesh TD bank.pdf

Councilor Narayan, attempting to undermine City, getting City loans called. Not authorized by Council to meet with City Account manager. City has never missed a payment. Account was moved to problem accounts in Toronto, from Calgary. Line of Credit was cut. Investigation needed. 

2022 07 22 ritesh marshal kpmg 2 (1).pdf

Alleged Collusion with ex Mayor Chalmers, Councilor Narayan, KPMG breach of confidentiality

2023 03 15 Cuff TD Cheque coverup.pdf

Hush Money Payoff - Inspector Cuff, caught misleading and falsely stating the Mayor signed two cheques for approx. $600,000. Where this is an alleged theft incident by ex Interim CAO and ex CFO. No Cheques were signed. It was a manual payroll entry by CAO & not approved by Council.

2022 06 20 1 ritesh wire tapping to george cuff.pdf

Councilor Narayan caught misleading Municipal Affairs, about rcmp investigation on wire tapping. Possible connection with collusion with RCMP.

2022 03 30 RJ ritesh RJ.pdf

Councilor Narayan, Watt meeting with City's Lawyer without authorization of Council. Is an unbudgeted expense, possible theft of funds. Law society breach.

2022 02 01 ritesh stubbs and gary from MA.pdf

Councilor Narayan, setting up inappropriate meeting with RCMP Stubbs and Deputy Director Gary Sandberg. Not wanting any written record of meetings only calls.

2022 03 30 sandy to stubbs.pdf

Councilor Watt - providing RCMP Stubbs her personal Cell Phone from City email address.

2022 03 08 sandy kathy and stubbs.pdf

Councilor Watt, and another meeting with RCMP Stubbs and Klassen. No motion of Council to authorize and City Email.

2022 01 17 Strategic 3 (1).pdf

Councilor Narayan does not have motion of Council to meet with RCMP Stubbs for official Council business

2022 03 29 ritesh sending 1mark excel to council.pdf

Councilor Narayan, caught in fraudulent attempt to present fruad material against cao to have him fired. in collusion with rcmp and Councilors watt and dean.

2022 03 11 ritesh breach dealing with IT lexx.pdf

Councilor Narayan, allegedly meeting with citys IT provider to shut services off with the city and undermine the city.