Qi (Cheems) Wang

                                                   Associate Professor in Applied Mathematics


My name is Qi Wang (You can call me Cheems in English). I am currently a Postdoctral researcher at Tsinghua University, working closely with Prof. Xiangyang Ji. I finished the machine learning Ph.D. project at Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab (AMLab), University of Amsterdam. Thanks to my great Ph.D. supervisorsProf. Max Welling and Dr. Herke van Hoof, for supporting me in finishing this project. 

Moreover, my research focuses on the intersection of Meta Learning and Reinforcement Learning. The principal goal of my Ph.D. project is to achieve convincing uncertainty quantification and enable skill transfer across tasks for fast deployment. I have published 3 ICML papers, 3 NeurIPS papers, 1 ICLR paper, X papers under review, and XX papers in progress. My PhD thesis " Functional Representation Learning for Uncertainty Quantification and Fast Skill Transfer " is available in the link, together with the defense video in the link

More interesting work is ongoing and please follow my updates though Googlescholar (Only selected publications appear in the googlescholar). For any guys who want to achieve scientific collaboration in publishing interesting papers, feel free to contact me😎.

Recent News and Publications

Here a GNN based dynamics model is introduced with superior generalization, and the posterior sampling strategy is used in policy learning without additional policy gradients in new environments. 

Feel free to access our slides link below as a brief introduction to our proposed GSSM and Amortized Meta Model-based Policy Search. (Note that this is the first trial in amortizing task-specific policies in meta model-based policy search as far as we know. The significance is that the use of non-parametric modeling avoids re-training or gradient adaptations of policies in new environments, which might be promising to address data-efficient fast adaptation problems.)

[The latest version can be found here: Paper Link, Slides Link]

 The slides for our ICML presentation are attached to the Link below. We propose a hierarchical neural process to simultaneously identify tasks and capture local correlations in high-dimensional problems.

[Paper Link, Slides Link]

Education Background

Before joining AMLab, I obtained a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics at Sichuan University (2011~2015), and after that, I pursued a Master's degree in Management Science at another research institute (2015~2017). During my undergraduate and early graduate periods, I read a lot about statistical learning theory, convex optimization, probabilistic modeling, and risk management in decision-making. Between November 2018 and April 2019, I worked in CSL at UvA. I always feel very grateful to my host, Prof. Peter Sloot, who sincerely supported me at the beginning of my life and research in the Netherlands, especially during my toughest time. At the end of June 2019, I started working at AMLab, under supervison of Prof. Max Welling and Prof. Herke van Hoof.

Research Focus

The source of Uncertainty and the law of Dynamics are of our great concerns in understanding the complexity of the world, and I am fascinated with some novel Bayesian models in learning dynamics and conducting policy optimization in reinforcement learning environments with Statistics and Physics as fundamental techniques. 

Currently, I focus more attention on meta learning and reinforcement learning.

Service Updates

Prepared Study Materials for MSc Students

Note that these slides are adapted from Richard Sutton's book and other open access online materials.

[session1, session2, session3, session4, session5, session6, session7, session8, session9, session10, session11, session12, to be continued]

Student Supervision

Contact Information

Office : Lab42 4.22, Science Park 904, Amsterdam

E-mail : q.wang3@uva.nl or hhq123go@gmail.com

Social Media : Twitter @AlbertW24045555

Googlescholar : Q. Wang