Complexity perspectives




(re)pensar el món i la/es ment/s des de les

perspectives de complexitat



(re)penser le monde et l'/les esprit/s dès les

perspectives de complexité

Eco-socio-cognitive (pre)paradigms for a deeper understanding of

linguistic and sociocultural phenomena.

Multilingual website coordinated by / Web coordinat per / Web coordinado por / Coordinateur

Albert Bastardas Boada

Departament de Filologia Catalana i Lingüística General, Universitat de Barcelona,

Group of Complexity, Communication and Sociolinguistics /
Grup de Complexitat, Comunicació i Sociolingüística /
Grupo de Complejidad, Comunicación y Sociolingüística

"If we compare a priori the complexity inherent in chemistry and that inherent in ecology, we need only reflect that the characteristic units of the former – atoms or molecules – are interchangeable if they have the same name and surname. These units have no memory; the properties of an atom of oxygen will be invariable regardless of its history, always assuming that we are able to monitor it and thus speak of it in these terms. However, two organisms of the same species, even though genetically equivalent and compatible for reproduction, are not equal and interchangeable. In general, not only are there individual genetic differences, but individuals – or any of the entities that ecology studies – possess a history, have a memory, and in a certain way are unique."

Jordi Flos

The nature of language cannot be properly explored by a type of psychology which is centred on the individual. Nor does it fit into the main stream of sociology which so far neglects the paradigmatic information which the complex 'knowledge, language, memory and thought' requires. Sooner or later it will become necessary to examine critically the presently ruling division of labour among human or social sciences..

Norbert Elias

Les progrès des sciences sont liés non seulement aux spécialisation

disciplinaires, mais aussi aux transgressions de


à l’édification de théories générales et aujourd’hui à

des regroupements polydisciplinaires.

Edgar Morin, L’identité humaine

(Albert Bastardas Boada & Edgar Morin, 2010, UB)

De même que la qualité de l'image hologrammatique est liée au fait que chaque point possède la quasi-totalité de l'information du tout, de même, d'une certain façon, le tout en tant que tout dont nous faisons partie, est présent dans notre esprit. La vision simplifiée serait de dire: la partie est dans le tout. La vision complexe dit: non seulement la partie est dans le tout; le tout est à l'intérieur de la partie qui est à l'intérieur du tout!

Edgar Morin

Partout, le sujet se réintroduit dans l’objet (...),

partout, chaque chose, chaque être

demande à être réinséré dans son environnement. (...)

Partout, on est poussé à considérer

non des objets clos et isolés, mais des systèmes

organisés en relation co-organisatrice

avec leur environnement.

Edgar Morin

Toda estructura relativamente autónoma y estable (...) no debe considerarse como algo que existe de forma independiente ni permanente, sinó más bien como un producto que se ha formado en la totalidad del movimiento fluyente y que finalmente volverá a disolverse en este movimiento. Cómo se forma y se mantiene, depende de su lugar y de su función en el todo.

David Bohm

“Wisdom is a way of thinking, not just an accumulation of experience. (...) Wisdom looks around broadly, and into the future beyond the immediate consequences. Wisdom is concerned with context and with circumstances. Wisdom looks at interconnections and interplay. Wisdom looks at possibilities and alternatives. (...) Wisdom considers the behaviour of non-linear systems instead of forcing everything into the linear model”

Edward de Bono

Multi-dimensional models of human societies are needed in order to come to grips with the empirical evidence. The difficulty is that social scientists and sociologists in particular are still captives of a philosophical science theory which started with Descartes and took its cue from physics at that early stage of development. (...) Theoretical models of the type we call universal laws or generalizations were sufficient and sufficiently reality-congruent to serve the requirements of physicists at that stage. (...) But for some time now they have been supplemented even in the physical sciences themselves by theoretical models which, unlike laws, are multidimensional and which make it possible to handle experimentally data about objects such as large molecules, genes and chromosomes with several levels of integration acting and reacting upon each other.

Norbert Elias

T E X T S / T E X T O S / T E X T E S:

Socio/lingüística: per una mirada complexa

Complejidad y emergencia en lingüística y ciencias de la comunicación

Lingüística general: elementos para un paradigma integrador desde la perspectiva de complejidad

World language policy in the era of globalization: Diversity and intercommunication from the perspective of 'complexity'

Biological and linguistic diversity: Transdisciplinary explorations for a socioecology of languages

Contextes et représentations dans les contacts linguistiques par décision politique : substitution versus diglossie dans la perspective de la planétarisation

Minority language communities in the age of globalization: Rethinking the organization of human language diversity

Linguistic Sustainability for a Multilingual Humanity


Grup de Complexitat, Comunicació i Sociolingüística, Universitat de Barcelona

Sociology and complexity science

New England Complex Systems Institute

"Edgar Morin, un penseur planétaire"

Edgar Morin, Complexité (video)

Edgar Morin. Complejidad y sujeto humano. Tesis de Mario Soto González

Edgar Morin. Cerimònia i discurs d'investidura com a Doctor Honoris Causa, Universitat de Barcelona (desembre 2010) (video)

Minds and screens. Media and children and adolescents from a sociocognitive ecology.

Complexity perspectives / Perspectivas desde la complejidad

Navarro, Pablo. "La metáfora del 'holograma social'".

Simon Levin & E. Fox Keller, Ecology, complexity and metaphor (video)

Ilya Prigogine (video)

Bastardas, Albert. Sòcio/lingüística: per una mirada complexa (video)

Bastardas, Albert. Llenguatges i complexitat: una visió de conjunt , Col·loqui internacional 'Llenguatges i complexitat', Universitat de Barcelona, 2010.