Improve Your Outboard Performance with These 5 Tips

5 Best Tips to Improve Outboard Performance on the Water

Outboard is an essential part of a boat. The engine can make or break the performance of your beloved vessel, depending on how you are maintaining it. Keeping the boat motor to its designed potential will never let you down on your fishing or boating trips.

Some vital parameters to consider are:

   1. Maintaining the correct RPM range

    2. Selecting the right boat propellers

    3. Following the manufacturer-recommended service plans

In the last ten years, technological advancement has dramatically transformed the marine industry. It has disrupted the making of boat motors. Much of what we knew about the outboard size, acceleration, portability and more changed recently. Hence, it is crucial to stay up to date on the latest outboard motors for sale and what you can do to improve their performance.

Here are some of the handful of tips you can count on.

1. Correct the Top End

One of the common problems boaters face is the over-prop (boat propellers have an inordinate pitch than recommended). Instead of having the manufacturer’s suggested wide-open throttle RPM (about 5000 RPM to 6000 RPM in typical situations), your engine’s attainable pick RPM stays lower. 

Many assume that if the outboard underachieves the RPM, it will not affect the performance. 

However, an over-propped vessel makes the boat motor has an increased workload to achieve the required RPM. It can cause a rise in combustion temperature and unnecessary stress on the boat’s internal components such as bearing, rods, etc.

On the other hand, an under-propped boat lets the outboard spin above the manufacturer’s proposed RPM range. It can also be harmful to the engine’s durability as the components would be pedalling away due to the over-revving of the motor.

2. Get Rid of Boat’s Rooster Tail

When a boat propeller tilts back, it causes the water to shoot into the air. It forms a fountain-type stream behind your vessel, called a rooster tail. The faster the boat prop moves, the larger the rooster tail becomes. However, this rooster tail lowers your boat acceleration as it creates an unnecessary load on the outboard to make the vessel move forward. Sometimes, over-trimming or propeller from certain brands becomes the primary reason for high rooster tails. You can consult your nearest marine services provider to find the solution for it. 

3. Check Fuel & Oil Filters Regularly

Your outboard runs continually at higher RPMs when you go for an extended fishing or boating trip. While good quality engines like Mercury outboards tend to have efficient fuel systems to ensure your boat operates at peak performance, you need to check the fuel tanks and oil filters regularly. Maintaining a recommended level of fuel in the tank and replacing oil filters help keep the oil cleaner and sustain the optimum level of the engine for a longer duration.

4. Do not Modify

One of the best ways to make your outboard run and maintain the high-performance level is to operate them the way the manufacturer built them. Do not tinker with components or modify them. Many rookie anglers try to alter their boat engines to increase their efficiency. However, any modification can result in losing motor reliability and void the manufacturer’s warranty.

5. Keep it Cool

Marine engines need proper water circulation while starting. It will be great if you never run your boat without a water-cooling system. The water-pump impeller requires water for lubrication. Even a single dry-start of your boat engine can damage the impeller in no time.


The key to better outboard performance is the correct guidance and repair schedule. You can connect with your local boat dealers on Vancouver Island to make one. They will help you with the right engine and propeller selection, performance optimization, and service plans to get maximum output from the outboard.