A Law of Attraction

A Law of Attraction

What is the Law of Attraction and how does it work in a person's life?

That's a question I'm sure a lot of people are asking and want to know the answers to!

There are certainly more, of course and not all of them put in a positive tone. What about the detractors, asking thing like:

"Is the Law real or is it just a made up bunch of nonsense to trick people into buying something they don't want or need?"

I'm afraid you're going to have to make up you own mind about that, because it's not my job or for that matter anyone's job to try to convince you one way or the other.

What I will do in this site is attempt to answer the first question from my own perspective, which is belief and faith in the existence and power of this fascinating aspect of Nature.

The law of Attraction Is...

As far as I am aware, from what I've read about it and have experienced through putting the concept to work in my own life, the Law is actually a secondary law to that or Vibration.

This is something our clever scientists dabbling in quantum physics will tell you is the basis of all things in the known universe, that being the energy produced by atomic structure and constant movement.

Before your head implodes from trying to fathom what that means, I'll tell you in simpler, everyday terms that I can understand.

We know that everything is made up of atoms and we know that atoms are always moving, because their proton and neutron nucleus is being orbited by one or more electrons. That movement causes vibration to occur and that vibrates at a certain frequency.

As there are lots of different kinds of atoms, there are lots of different frequencies of vibration going on. All the time. Electronics genius and inventor Nikola Tesla is quoted as saying:

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Sometimes it's easier to watch a video than try to understand it all by reading text. So here's a pretty simple one that you might like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGqruTgntYE

Like Attracts Like

Something else we know, thanks to that pioneering sector of our scientist fraternity that have done tests in this area, is that like energy is attracted to like energy. That means like frequencies of vibration attract each other.

OK, so what is all this to do with attracting what we want?

Well, since everything is energy, and that includes even our thoughts and emotions, a thought transmitted at a certain frequency will attract one transmitted by someone else if it is at the same frequency.


Think about it like if you're feeling really down, gloomy and sad, you seem to attract other people who are in the same down, gloomy and sad state. That's just the tip of the iceberg!

How many times have you experienced a situation where you were dreading a call from a person you re4ally don't like, and they call as if by magic to ruin your day? Or had the experience of fearing you were going to misplace your keys and exactly that happened!

Those things and many other occurrences like them are not just pure coincidence. You were attracting them with your thoughts!

Attract the Good

Well, good things can be attracted too!

Set your thoughts to what you really want and then tune in your emotions to match that thought pattern and keep doing it every day. Eventually, that frequency will attract its exact likeness in bring to you people or circumstances that will result in you literally getting what you want.

That's how it works, in simplistic terms.

There is some more to it than that of course, but most of it is tied up in scientific jargon and mind-numbing technical explanation that for the most part is just not necessary to know. Keep it simple, baby!

A Great Way to Learn

One of the best ways to learn this subject, just like practically any subject for that matter, is to learn to teach it to others.

That puts you in a position where you have to become something of an expert, since you're aim is to be teaching students what you yourself have learned and understood. The best way to get into this framework is to take a course that teaches you both sides of the subject.

What I mean is, you learn the subject matter in great depth and to a high degree, then you learn how to teach it to others in a classroom or online conference situation. I just so happen to know about just such a course that was created by one of the top people in the field, Dr Joe Vitale.

I also found an in-depth review of the course online that I'm sure you'd like to have a look at. It's here:

Dr Joe Vitale Law of Attraction certification practitioner course

Of course, there are other courses available that can teach you all about this fascinating law and even take it out to the wider world in the classroom or virtual classroom if you like. However, this one by Joe Vitale is my personal favorite and, well, I just like the way the guy gets his message across!

I think, once you've experienced his teaching methods, you'll get to like the guy too!

Law of Attraction Video