AlaskaView is a member of the AmericaView Consortium, a nationwide partnership of remote sensing scientists who support the use of public domain remotely sensed data through applied remote sensing research, K-12 and higher STEM education, workforce development, and technology transfer. 

AlaskaView promotes and supports use of remote sensing data and technology within the State of Alaska.

2023 AlaskaView Graduate Research Scholarship Recipients (Congratulations):

Ms. Yali Wang, Computer Science, "Towards energy-efficient deep neural networks for fire detection in an image"Ms. Cristina Ornelas, Natural Resource and Environment, "Detection of overflow using SAR remote sensing"

2022 AlaskaView Graduate Research Scholarship Recipients (Congratulations):

Ms. Lora May, MS Hydrology, "Seasonal snow evolution in Caribou-Poker Creeks Research Watershed, Interior Alaska"

2021 AlaskaView Undergraduate and Graduate Research Scholarship Recipients (Congratulations):

Mr. William Samuel, MS Fisheries, "Assessing the effects of wildfire on beaver dams in a boreal ecosystem, Interior Alaska"Ms. Gabrielle Davy, BS Geosciences, "Earthquake Hazard Assessment of the Castle Mountain Fault" 

2020 AlaskaView Undergraduate and Graduate Research Scholarship Recipients (Congratulations):

Ms. Roberta Glenn, MS Geoscience-Geography, "Mapping Coastal Change and Community-Based Observations in Western Alaska" Mr. Josh Monroe, MS Natural Resource Management, "Estimation of turbidity using remotely sensed images for evaluation of fish behavior following forest fire "Mr. Nicholas Schmuck, PhD Anthropology , "Remote Sensing the Post-Glacial High-Water Mark in Southeast Alaska "Mr. Brian Grams,  BS Geography, "Prehistoric Archeological Site Prediction In Alaska’s Mt Hayes and Gulkana Area "

Remote Sensing of Wildfires (a free online course on edX)

Open Access GIS and Remote Sensing Courses (at 


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