Al-Anon Big Book Solution Group

The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience and knowledge in order to solve their common problem. We believe alcoholism is a family illness and that changed attitudes can aid recovery. Al-Anon is not affiliated with any sect, denomination, political entity, organization, or institution; does not engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any cause. Al-Anon has but one primary purpose:  to help families of alcoholics. We do this by practicing the Twelve Steps, by welcoming and giving comfort to families of alcoholics, and by giving understanding to the alcoholic.

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Why do we study the Big Book?

Our primary purpose is to carry the message to Al-Anons who still suffer.

The 12 Steps of Al-Anon

See pg. 15 linked HERE 

Al-Anon Twelve Traditions

See pg. 16 linked HERE