The Mathematics Education for the Future Project

An independent , philanthropic and non-commercial project founded in 1986 to support and encourage innovation in mathematics, statistics, science and computer  education

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The Mathematics Education for the Future Project

A Symposium on New Ways of Teaching & Learning

In the Historic City of Bologna, Italy, August, 2024

Organising Committee: Alan Rogerson, Jasia Morska & Simone Brasili

Local Organisers: Chiara Chiarini and Alan Rogerson

In Cooperation with: Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Education, Hong Kong Institute of Education, MUED, DQME3, MAV, AWM, ATM, AAMT, Wholemovement, MACAS, AIMSSEC, Mathematics Education Centre, Faculty of Sciences, Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest, International Symmetry Association and WTM-Verlag.

Recenty Completed:

A Symposium on Innovative Teaching Practices

attended by 70+ delegates was held at The Quen's College, Oxford University, UK

Aug 14-18, 2023

Organising Committee: Alan Rogerson, Jasia Morska & Grant Fraser (with the Project Advisory Body)

Local Organising Committee: Ann Dowker, Ronnie Lloyd & Terry Young 

Project Home Pages:



Our next (17th) conference will be in the city of Cluj Napoca (below) in Romania in 2025.

Local organiser is Prof. Ariana-Stanca Văcărețu

Colegiul Național Emil Racoviță Cluj-Napoca

Please see these two films about Cluj Napoca and Romania!

Recenty Completed in 2022:

Our most recent (16th) Conference was held in King's College, Cambridge, UK, from Aug 8-13, 2022 and was attended by 200+ participants from 30+ countries and all 6 continents.  Online King's Proceedings are here: 

Below is Conference Co-Organiser Jasia Morska at King's College

How did our conferences start?

In the 1970s the annual conferences of the CIEAEM in Europe were distinguished by their friendly and relaxed programme and were always held in beautiful places. We too always meet in a beautiful place, so that the relaxing atmosphere will stimulate us to work together. King’s College, Cambridge in 2022 was just such a place!

The Symposium is organised by the Mathematics Education for the Future Project – which is an independent educational philanthropic non-profit association coordinated by Dr. Alan Rogerson (Poland/UK). Since its inception in 1986 our Project has received support and funding from many universities and especially ICMI, ICME, the British Council and UNESCO.

In 1992 UNESCO published our Project Handbook "Moving Into the 21st Century" as Volume 8 in the UNESCO series Studies In Mathematics Education.

Our conferences are renowned for their friendly and productive working atmosphere and are attended by innovative teachers and mathematics educators from all over the world and all 6 continents – for example 44 countries were represented a tour 2009 conference in Dresden, Germany.

The Oxford Symposium in 2023 follows 16 previous Project Conferences

International Program Committee (Past and Present)

Coordinator Dr. Alan Rogerson (UK/Poland).

Prof. Khaled Abuloum, University of Jordan (Jordan).

Prof. Miriam Amit, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel)

Prof. Roberto Baldino, UNESP (Brazil).

Dr. Andy Begg, Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand).

Dr. Donna F. Berlin, The Ohio State University (USA).

Prof. Gail Burrill, Michigan State University (USA)

Prof. Ubiratan D'Ambrosio, Campinas/UNICAMP (Brazil).

Prof. Bruno D'Amore, University of Bologna (Italy) and Columbia.

Prof. Dr. Tilak de Alwis, Southeastern Louisiana University (USA).

Prof. Paul Ernest, University of Exeter (UK).

Prof. Dr. Günter Graumann, University of Bielefeld (Germany)

Dr Hanan Innabi, Gothenburg University (Sweden)

Prof. Nicolina Malara, University of Modena (Italy).

Prof. Maria Flavia Mammana, University of Catania (Italy).

Prof. Lionel Pereira Mendoza, Educational Consultant (Canada).

Prof. Dr. Ivan Mezník, Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic).

Prof. Fayez Mourad Mina, Faculty of Education-Ain Shams University (Egypt)

Mgr. Janina Morska, Szkoła Podstawowa nr 7, Gizycko (Poland)

Dr. Catherine Paolucci, State University of New York at New Paltz (USA)

Prof. Angela Pesci, University of Pavia (Italy).

Prof. Dr. David Pugalee, University of North Carolina at Charlotte (USA).

Prof. Dr. Eugeny Smirnov, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University (Russia).

Dr. Arthur L. White, The Ohio State University (USA).

Prof. Noor Azlan Ahmad Zanzali, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia).

Prof. Wacek Zawadowski, Siedlce University (Poland).

National Representatives

Prof. Gail Burrill USA, Prof. Maria Flavia Mammana Italy, Prof. Dr. Ivan Meznik Czech Republic, Dr. Hanan Innabi Jordan/Sweden, Prof. Wacek Zawadowski Poland, Prof. Miriam Amit Israel, Prof. Noor Azlan Ahmad Zanzali Malaysia, Prof. Dr. Gunter Graumann Germany, Prof. Dr. Franco Favilli Italy, Prof. Gunnar Gjone Norway, Prof. George Malaty Finland, Prof. Willy Mwakapenda Malawi, Dr. Maria Luisa Oliveras Spain, Dr. Lionel Pereira-Mendoza Canada, Dr. Fatimah Saleh Malaysia, Dr. Maher Y. Shawer USA, Prof. Anthony Sofo Australia, Prof. Teresa Vergani Portugal, Prof. Derrick Young South Africa, Prof. Angel Balderas Mexico, Dr. René Berthelot France, Dr. Cinzia Bonotto Italy, Dr. Jean Michel Hanna, Egypt, Dr. Reda Abu-Elwan, Oman, Assistant Prof. Othman Alsawaie UAE, Prof. Indira Chacko India.

Conference Proceedings

Online King's Proceedings are here: 

M artin Stein is the owner and manager of the publishing company WTM-Verlag who publish our proceedings.

I founded this company in 2006, publishing dissertations, conference reports and monographs of all kind as long as they belong to the field of mathematics education. The different series of books have editors to provide quality control. WTM provide a good service for a small price, so that doctoral students can get their dissertations printed. We also publish Open Access books for the organisers of international conferences and distribute DOI for all books.