GitHub Fork and clone

Forking a Repository:

1) Login to GitHub: Go to and log in to your GitHub account. You'll need to create an account if you don't have one.

2) Find the Repository: Navigate to the repository you want to fork. You can search for it on GitHub or visit a specific user's or organization's page to find their repositories.

3) Fork the Repository: In the top-right corner of the repository's page, click the "Fork" button. This creates a copy of the repository in your own GitHub account.

Figure 1: Forking a repository

Cloning a Forked Repository:

1) Clone Your Fork: After forking the repository, go to your GitHub profile and find the forked repository. Click on it to open the repository.

2) Get the Clone URL: Click the "Code" button and click the clipboard icon to copy the repository's URL.

Figure2: Git Clone

3) Open Terminal/Command Prompt: On Windows, Open the Command Prompt or PowerShell on macOS and Linux, Open the Terminal.

4) Navigate to the Directory: Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where you want to store the cloned repository. For example, to clone it into your home directory, you can use cd ~

5) Clone the Repository: In the terminal, use the git clone command to clone the repository. Replace <repository_URL> with the URL you copied in step 2: 

git clone <repository_URL>  


git clone

6) Enter Your GitHub Credentials: If you haven't configured Git with your GitHub credentials, it may prompt you to enter your GitHub username and password or use a personal access token. Enter the required information.

7) Cloning Complete: The repository will be cloned to your local machine. You'll see a message indicating that the cloning was successful.