Python Logging

Here we will discuss on common logging methods using Python. Logging is a crucial part of software development, as it helps you keep track of what's happening in your code and diagnose issues when they arise.

Step 1: Import the Logging Module

In Python, you can start using the built-in logging module without installing any additional packages. First, import the module:

import logging

Step 2: Configure Logging (Optional)

You can configure how logging behaves in your application. You can specify things like the logging level (e.g., INFO, WARNING, ERROR), the format of log messages, and where the logs should be stored. For a basic setup, you can add this code to configure logging:

# Configure basic logging


                    format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

"level" sets the logging level. You can use logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.WARNING, or logging.ERROR, depending on the level of detail you want in your logs.

"format" defines the format of log messages.

Step 3: Create a Logger

You should create a logger for each part of your code to keep logs organized. A common practice is to create a logger for each module or script. Here's how you create a logger:

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Step 4: Start Logging

Now, you can start adding log messages to your code. Use the following methods to log different levels of messages:

Step 5: Run Your Code and View Logs

After adding log messages to your code, run your application. You can view the log messages on your console. For more advanced setups, you can log in to a file or a remote service.

Complete Example:

Here's a complete example that demonstrates the steps:

When you run this code, you'll see log messages in the console.

Additional Tips:

That's it! You've just learned the basics of logging in Python. Logging is a valuable tool for debugging and monitoring your applications, and it's important for tracking what's happening in your code.