Download Mp3 Dear Diary


So when 2016/17 rolled into 2017/18 I had no issues with just picking up the next version of the same diary and just transplanting my life into that. No teething errors, no difficulties. Just smooth as you like.

If you've read Refinery29 then you know they have a diary section on their site where people walk you through their mundane week or share how they live in a city on a certain salary-when Abbi (my new right hand woman) reminded me of this concept...we immediately decided we should try something like this on the blog. IG highlights are fun but what I want to know is what someone is ACTUALLY doing with their life when they're not on social media. What recipes did they try, what TV shows are they into-did they have a bad day? I documented my week to try it out and realized it was pretty uneventful but in the best way possible-2020 confirmed I don't like making plans, setting my alarm or dressing up for work...and I LOVE getting to eat breakfast at home.

Helloeveryone. Today I was hoping to show you the evolution of 2________ design by reviewing the diary I kept as the set was being put together. The problem is that I came up with this great idea now, much too late to actually keep a diary. I talked with the other designers (Mike Elliott, Brian Tinsman, and Tyler Bielman) and none of them had kept a diary either.

Not one easily discouraged, I hunted around to find anyone related to 3________ that might have kept a diary. And I found one in the most unlikely of places. It turns out that one of the cards in the set kept a journal. And it's not the kind of card you'd expect to keep a journal. Anyway, I thought it might be enlightening to look at 4________ from a very different perspective. So without any further ado, let me turn over my column to: Welding Jar.

After an hour of this I was able to clear my mind. I felt like my head weighed 50 lbs lighter than before. It's at this moment during our meditation to close practice where I found my healing voice. During the silence I came back to reality instead of resting and meditating with the class. I told myself that I love myself, forgive myself for messing up or not understanding right away, and that I'm incredible. I thought about a few great achievements in my life. _______________. It stuck. Our class wrapped up and the night carried on, but I feel incredible. I feel like someone dear to me gave me a hug, told me they loved me, and said I was incredible and that they're proud of me. That is 1____. 5376163bf9

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