
Climate finance

"Greening Monetary Policy: Evidence from the People's Bank of China", with Camille Macaire, Climate Policy, (open access preprint).

"The Impossible Love of Fossil Fuel Companies for Carbon Taxes", Ecological Economics (open access).

"Ten financial actors can accelerate a transition away from fossil fuels", with Truzaar Dordi, Sebastian Gehricke and Olaf Weber, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions.

"High Voltage: Financing the Path to Zero Coal", with Camille Macaire, Fabio Grieco and Ulrich Volz, under review, CEPR working paper.

"Spatial and financial constraints to fossil fuel emission compensation", with Patrick Njeukam and Nina Lindstrøm Friggens, under review.

"Has fossil fuel divestment started? Evidence from investor data", with Benjamin Trouvé, work in progress.

International macro and financial history

Imported or Home Grown? The 1992-3 EMS Crisis” with Barry Eichengreen, Journal of International Economics, NBER working paper, mentionned in speech by Christine Lagarde.

"How Powerful is Unannounced, Sterilized Foreign Exchange Intervention?" with Jacob Weber, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (open access preprint).

The Gold Pool (1961-1968) and the Fall of the Bretton Woods System: Lessons for Central Bank Cooperation”, with Michael Bordo and Eric Monnet,  Journal of Economic History, NBER working paper. Media: Wall Street Journal

"Blowing against the Wind? A Narrative Approach to Central Bank Foreign Exchange Intervention", Journal of International Money and Finance (open acess).

"Currency internationalization with Chinese characteristics: Is capital-account convertibility required for the renminbi to acquire reserve-currency status?", with Barry Eichengreen, Camille Macaire, Arnaud Mehl and Eric Monnet, CEPR working paper. International Finance. Media: Financial Times, Bloomberg and Christine Lagarde speech. Data here.

More publications available on my Google scholar page.