
Alaa H. Alminshid

Wasit University Professor and Distinguished Chair of the Department of Chemistry

Faculty member- Chemistry Department-College of Science- Wasit University/ Wasit- AlKut- Iraq

Education: PhD in Chemistry, University of Iowa, USA

Research Interests:

My research interests are in nanomaterials, physical and chemical properties, surface chemistry, spectroscopic studies, adsorption, liquid-solid interface, biological media, nano-bio interface.

I received my PhD in Chemistry from the University of Iowa, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences on August 2018 and my Master in Chemistry from the University of Iowa College of Liberal Arts and Sciences on August 2014 in US. Additionally, I worked as a graduate research assistant at the University of Iowa for 7 years. I supervised undergraduate students during summer 2014. I received the Seashore Dissertation Fellowship from the University of Iowa Graduate College in Spring 2018. Collaborations and networking with professionals including new researchers in the field, faculty, fellows and graduate students in college of science, college of engineer, environmental health and safety department, and other professionals and institutes.

After finishing my PhD journey at US, I returned back to Iraq to work as one of the faculty members of the College of Science-Chemistry Department / Wasit University. While here I continue doing research in nano field, making collaboration work with other researchers from different fields and institutes inside and outside the country, and make industry connections practicing as a chemist to help them solve the problems they have in their products.

Outside of school I love to read and write. I have one blog about "STEM World-How Became a Mom and a Professor" (in preparation). I also love to be outside, I prefer outdoor land sports such as soccer and basketball, but I also really enjoy kayaking. I am married to Hayder Alalwan (He is the Chairman of the Department of Petrochemical Techniques, Alkut Technical Institute, Middle Technical University, Iraq, and he got his PhD from UIowa as well) and we have two beautiful daughters, Zia (she is 12) and Layaan (she will be 6 on October).