This Dorian variant isn't as lavender-heavy or sweet as The Serpentine. It actually starts off being really citrusy thanks to the bergamot and Dorian's white tea, and these notes float on a cloud of Dorian and vanilla. The lavender and oakmoss become more prominent with wear, especially the moss (I amp that note), but I'm still getting lots of bergamot, which smells kind of sharp alongside the moss.

I loved the early phases of this but am not as fond of the scent later in the day (when it becomes sharper), so I am going to see if aging helps smooth that bergamot and moss combo over. If not, I'll have to wear this one in a scent locket.

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If you love a Dorian variant, put this bottle in your cart. Buy it. 

What a beautiful combo. It's definitely not The Serpentine, but it's a slightly more mature sibling (and maybe slightly more masculine with the oakmoss/bergamot moment). I love this Lilith lavender, and the bergamot and tea giving a citrusy salute makes think of Paper Phoenix briefly before it moves onto the bourbon vanilla note (and I'm a fool for the lab's bourbon vanilla in the right combo). This is one of those right combos. It ends up nice and neutral on me at dry-down with the Dorian, Lavender, and Bourbon Vanilla present, tempered by the bergamot/oakmoss.

Yep, very Dorian! It turns play-do on my skin for a long while, then dries down nicely. However on a cloth it is very Dorian but sweeter, and lifted? Like how Theodosius is testosterone oomphed, this is sweet oomphed? It's very unisex and gorgeous. I'll have to use it in a scent locket also, but definitely keeping the bottle.

You know how sugar cookies often have a little lemon in them? This smells like lavender sugar cookies in the imp. On my skin, it gets brighter and the bergamot and tea both get stronger, but it still retains that slightly sweet cookie aspect to it.

Lovely! To me, this feels like the offspring of Tattered Lace & Paper Phoenix. It has a bit more zingy citrus than Dorian but is very much in the same family with that smooth vanilla finish. I'm so happy that I blind-bottled this one!

I never thought I'd find a scent where vanilla didn't amp on me, but I have. This is a very sharply citrus Dorian on me. The white tea and bergamot drown out everything else and I don't get much nuance. This is like Dorian following Kumiho to class.

The Dorian is strong in this one. Walking My Daughter starts off as a citrusy Dorian, with the bergamot and white tea notes prominent, floating on a cloud of marshmallow vanilla. The tea fades, and while lavender never lasts on me, here it doesn't even really show up. So bright citrusy marshmallow Dorian. Sweet and spirit-lifting.

Took a little while before I could pick out Dorian, so at first it was heavy vanilla bourbon and lavender. I can't detect the oakmoss and bergamot but that's likely due to me not being familiar with those notes. But once it dries completely, it's a Dorian lavender vanilla dream.

Such a light vanilla lavender!! There is a sparkling sweetness with a hint of Dorian. Sadly, it was gone within an hour on me. Gone like it had never been on my arm! This may be good for drifting off to sleep.

This very much smells like lavender white tea, extra-poofy and vanillic, with some beautifully aged Dorian emerging as it dries down. I was in love from first sniff, and am loving the drop of bergamot that is giving a not-lemon-but-better kind of limey fuzziness to the blend, as anyone who has smelled bergamot will attest to. I love how limey it gets over time, just like Lilith's First Concert, and how lime is not the top note but a beautiful grounding middle, as bergamot usually behaves for me.

I also love how aged and just in general how amped this smells. Every note in Dorian is super extra here! So much fluffy lavender, so much vanilla, so much delicious white tea. The one note I'm not getting - and I'm so glad! - is oakmoss. French oakmoss must be very kindly, because it's not assaulting my nose like oakmoss usually does. I am so happy about that. But someone who's hoping for a strongly oakmoss blend may be disappointed?

Drydown: Sweet, creamy, and citrussy, like a very sophisticated lemon meringue pie. Bergamot, vanilla, and Dorian share the spotlight evenly, with lavender and oakmoss granting just enough of a nod to gentlemanly cologne to dial down the foodie factor and amp up the sexiness.

It's dorian adjacent, but on me this has a lot more of an herbal note, with the citrus rolling into that for sort of a hazy green scent with a heavy dash of vanilla, it's a fantastic neutral for that "oh you smell lovely" but not obviously perfumed scent. At least compared to some of the stuff I usually pop on.

There's not a ton of throw on me, but it lasts long enough to catch it through the day, would absolutely recommend trying to track a bottle down for anyone who's a fan of dorian, or just for something light and easy, this is well on it's way to being the first bottle I'll have run through from full just for the sheer versatility of it.

College is stressful. Students often find themselves overwhelmed, exhausted and not performing at their academic peak. By the time midterms roll around, most students desperately need some self-care. My solution? Walk it out.

I will always advocate for walking. I live off-campus and am carless. Walking to class wakes me up and gets me very excited for each day. The calf definition is a nice bonus. Walks are the best way for me to ease my mind and increase my productivity, and I think people often overlook the benefits due to the simplicity of the concept.

Walking has myriad health benefits. According to Harvard Medical School, walking boosts immune function, eases joint pain and even reduces the risk of developing breast cancer. I find myself feeling much healthier the more often I walk.

Walking supports mental health and improves sleep, mood and stamina. I find that leaving my worries in my footsteps and using my legs to clear my mind is highly effective. Walking also boosts academic performance. A 30-minute daily walk has many cognitive benefits, including improved attention, concentration and problem-solving skills.

The social benefits of walking are often overlooked. I believe that walking around campus is vital for achieving full immersion in college life. For students who feel isolated or disconnected from FSU, campus strolls are a great way to find footing and understand the area.

Walking is a wonderful exercise option because it is free and does not strain the body too much. This practice is possible almost anywhere. Even a quick stroll through the hallways before class can be very calming.

The Tallahassee area is ideal for walkers. The FSU campus itself is gorgeous, and passing by Westcott Fountain or seeing palm trees in 70-degree weather is an experience I recommend for everyone. Abundant sidewalks and street lamps contribute to the pedestrian-friendly atmosphere.

College Town is an underrated strolling spot less than five minutes from campus. Lafayette Heritage Trail Park, St. Marks Historic Railroad State Trail, and Capital Cascades offer unmatched beauty. They also serve as perfect photoshoot locations, certain to spruce up the Instagram feed.

Walking around campus without distractions is a great way to discover new favorite spots. Restaurants and businesses can usually be found online, but many hidden gems are not so Googleable. On my walks, I have seen campus cats, stones stacked in magnificent ways and all the wonders for sale at Market Wednesdays.

The wonders of walking are not always so tangible. When walking unplugged, I witness adorable couples having picnics on Landis, friends soaking in the sun in hammocks, and a student prancing out of class confident that they just aced a tricky exam.

Walking has played a crucial role in helping me acclimate to the Tallahassee area and feel at home on the FSU campus. I believe walking is an invaluable practice for students to adapt to campus life and improve their college experience. When in doubt, walk it out.

This is a very basic, low-impact, light-intensity workout using the natural resistance of the water to strengthen core musculature, increase balance, coordination and flexibility. Water Walking is appropriate for those just starting an exercise program or those interested in water exercise.

Class takes place in our heated indoor pools in shallow water. Instructors lead the class through a light-intensity cardio workout that consists of walking around in the water. Movements are forward, backward, and side-to-side. Different types and styles of walking movements are preformed such as forward, backward, and side-to-side.

question mainly for guys, something I've always wondered. How do you talk to a girl walking on campus? someone who's in between classes or going home? It's kinda like.. do you just stop them? but you'd be taking time away from them trying to get to where they're going right? It seems at least 3x easier to approach a sitting girl than a moving girl. You can just go up and talk to them, but someone walking around? you'd have to chase them down, flag them, and keep up, while at the same time not making it seem like you're following in them. how do you do this?

I actually found out how to talk to girls in situations like this accidentally. One day I get out of class and this girl is wearing these really cute shoes and this really cute blouse. I told her I like your shoes and she does a little giggle and says "Thank You". We then start talking for about 5 minutes and hurry on to class.

Then I did this again to another girl and I wasn't even trying to flirt with her either it just happened. I still do this and it works a good percentage of the time. So just compliment the girl you want to talk to but you obviously don't want to be disrespectful either. You are thinking too much just do it. After you compliment her then introduce your self maybe even ask them Their Facebook or phone number. Ask them what classes they are taking or where they are from. Now this obviously is more difficult to do if a girl is in the Library focusing on studying. 152ee80cbc

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