Active Learning Pop Up Classroom in Applying Mathematics in Everyday Life, Society, and Workplace

This presentation is brought to you by:

The Active Learning Department

El Paso Independent School District



Team Roles, Contract, & Plan

2_Team Roles, Team Contract, Team Plan

Real-World / Authentic Challenge

2_Real-World Challenge

Team Folders

Make sure to go to your assigned Team Folder. Each Team Folder contains files that you will use for this session.

Stages of the Active Learning Framework

1_What is Design?

What is Design?

1_What is Explore?

What is Explore?

1_What is Refine?

What is Refine?

1_What is Demonstrate?

What is Demonstrate?


WORKSHOP # 1: Best Practices

2_Best Practice #1: Assessment & Formative Feedback

BP#1: Assessment/ Formative Feedback

2_Best Practice #2: Collaboration

BP#2: Collaboration

2_Best Practice #3: Communication

BP#3: Communication

2_Best Practice #4: Culture/Environment/Professional Ethics

BP#4: Culture/ Environment/ Professional Ethics

BP#5: Critical Analysis/ Inquiry/ Research

BP#6: Differentiation/ Scaffolding

BP#7: Goal Setting/ Autonomy/ Entrepreneurship

BP#8: Problem Solving/ Creativity/ Innovation

BP#9: Reflection/ Growth Mindset

BP#10: Relevance/ Authenticity

BP#11: Small Group Instruction

BP#12: Standards Alignment


2_TEKS Focus and Breakdown

TEKS Focus

Kinder Grade Mathematics to 8th Grade Mathematics: Apply Mathematics in Everyday Life

WORKSHOP # 3: Content-Language-Culture Learning Targets

Content-Language-Culture Learning Targets

4+1 Language Domain

Simplified Language Learning Targets

Detailed Language Learning Targets

2_Content-Language_Culture Learning Targets

Bloom's Taxonomy

Create - Evaluate - Analyze - Apply - Understand - Remember

WORKSHOP # 4: TEKS Prior Connections

TEKS Prior Connections

Kinder Grade Mathematics to 8th Grades Mathematics: Apply Mathematics in Everyday Life

Proportional Relationships TEKS.pdf
2_Prior Content Connections

WORKSHOP # 5: Microsoft Innovative Education


DIY (Do-It-Yourself) #1: Lesson Task Card

Lesson Planning Task.pdf

Lesson Development

Questions to guide Lesson Planning. Steps to embed necessary best practices throughout Lesson Planning components.

DIY (Do-It-Yourself) #2: Video Resource

1_Video-Counting Traffic

Discovery Education: Virtual Field Trip

Traffic engineers use data to build models of expected traffic flow.

Teacher Unit Design


3_TEKS-Based Rubric, Differentiated Resources, and Progress Checks


3_2019 Calendar


4_What is Your Challenge Based On Your TEKS?

What is your TEKS-based Challenge?

Create a challenge in relation to the Science TEKS and based on an authentic/real-world audience

4_What is Your Driving Question?

What is your Driving Question?

Write an open-ended, standards-based driving question that poses the challenge from your unit's real/authentic audience

4_What is Your Hook?

What is your Hook?

Identify or create a hook that will entice your audience to be curious and motivated about the unit's Challenge.


Warm & Cool Feedback

Each small group will share their team's Teacher Unit Design with the class for an initial Warm and Cool Feedback process. Each member of a team will use post-its to write down at least one (1) warm feedback and one (1) cool crit. All written feedback on post-its of each team will be collected by the Materials Manager and given to the session facilitator. The session facilitator will pass the post-its to the small group that presented. Below are some examples of sentence starters for Warm Feedback & Cool Crit.

5_Warm Feedback

Warm Feedback

5_Cool Crit

Cool Crit

5_Examples of Presentation Rubrics

Presentation Rubrics


ABC's of Demonstrate

To download a printable version of the ABC's of Demonstrate click on the files below.