

Bachelors of Science in Computer Science 

Specialization Track in Software Engineering I

Growing up in Manila, I was always fascinated by the power of technology and its ability to change the world. Back in high school, I had the opportunity to join a contest and create a website for our school publishing team, and to my surprise, we were able to reach regionals. That was my first introduction to programming and since then, I fell in love with it. So, when it came time to choose a college, I knew that I wanted to pursue a degree in computer science. But I also knew that to truly excel in this field, I needed to immerse myself in a new environment where I could focus on my studies and gain hands-on experience.

That's why I made the decision to move to Quezon Province to attend college. It's been a big transition, but I'm excited to be here and to be taking classes that will help me achieve my goal of becoming a competent computer science graduate. I'm determined to work hard and make the most of this opportunity.

When I'm not studying, I love to spend my time painting and creating mini programming projects. I believe that art and technology go hand in hand, and I find that these hobbies help me stay creative and inspired. They also let me pursue my interest in both fields and make a balance between the technical and creative side of my life. I also believe that nothing is impossible with hard work and determination, and I'm excited to see what the future holds for me.


Featured Projects

CP102 Prelim Project (EventGenie)

EventGenie is a software that acts as an event planning assistant, helping users to sort and organize events. It extracts information from invitations stored in a specified folder and compiles it into a summary. 
The software uses regular expressions to identify patterns in the text and returns important details such as the event name, date and time, location, sender's email...

CP102 Midterm Project (Behind the Spotlight)

The EduMart Store program is a Python-based application that allows users to simulate a school supplies store using a MySQL database. The program is equipped with the mysql.connector module, which allows for easy access and manipulation of the database. Users can operate the program as both an admin and a customer. As an admin, users have the ability to add, edit, and view various information related to the store, including products and sales. As a customer, users can browse and purchase products...

CP102  SemiFinals Project (EduMart)

The EduMart Store program is a Python-based application that allows users to simulate a school supplies store using a MySQL database. The program is equipped with the mysql.connector module, which allows for easy access and manipulation of the database. Users can operate the program as both an admin and a customer. As an admin, users have the ability to add, edit, and view various information related to the store, including products and sales. As a customer, users can browse and purchase products...

CP102  SemiFinals Project (Golden Mane)

The EduMart Store program is a Python-based application that allows users to simulate a school supplies store using a MySQL database. The program is equipped with the mysql.connector module, which allows for easy access and manipulation of the database. Users can operate the program as both an admin and a customer. As an admin, users have the ability to add, edit, and view various information related to the store, including products and sales. As a customer, users can browse and purchase products...

Game Development with Pygame (Personal)

Game development has always been a passion of mine, and when I discovered the possibility of creating simple games using Python, I eagerly embraced the challenge. Motivated by my love for Filipino culture, I embarked on the exciting journey of developing my own mini-game called StarBarako...


Web Development Bootcamp - Best Output

(CCMS CreaTech Bootcamp 2023)

The CCMS faculty initiated a BootCamp Program aimed at imparting diverse IT-related skills. Recognizing the value of this opportunity, I eagerly enrolled to delve into the realm of Web Development. Across the intensive 1-week course, I gained proficiency in utilizing the MERN Stack for web development. Culminating the program, I was privileged to present my web e-commerce project—a culmination of our learning—and was honored to receive recognition for the best output.

View Source Code: https://github.com/AkunoCode/Knots-and-Greens

Python Programming 1st Runner Up 

(ISITE - National IT Skills Competition 2023)

 I had the honor of securing the position of 1st Runner Up in the Python Programming category at the prestigious ISITE - National IT Skills Competition 2023. This remarkable achievement showcased my proficiency in Python programming and validated my dedication to honing my coding skills. Participating in this national-level competition allowed me to showcase my technical expertise and problem-solving abilities in a competitive setting, further fueling my passion for software development. The experience not only bolstered my confidence but also provided valuable insights into the latest trends and advancements in the field of IT.

Hackathon Competition Champion (Team)

MSEUF - Cyberfest: Research Forum and Cyberweek 2023

This event marked my debut in the exhilarating world of competitive programming and served as my first venture into cocurricular activities during my time in school. It proved to be an immensely enjoyable and stimulating experience, presenting me with thrilling challenges that tested both my technical skills and teamwork abilities. Emerging as the victors in the Hackathon Competition was an outstanding achievement that solidified my passion for problem-solving and ignited a desire to explore further in the field of programming.

Paint with Pixels Competition (Champion)

In the 'Paint with Pixels' competition, I proudly emerged as the champion with my captivating entry titled "CCMS_Christmas(love, peace, joy)." This artwork beautifully encapsulated the essence of celebrating Christmas the CCMS way by spreading love, peace, and joy. Through a masterful blend of digital artistry and creativity, I conveyed the spirit of the festive season in a visually striking manner. Winning this competition not only recognized my artistic talent but also allowed me to showcase the unique perspective of CCMS (insert the full form or abbreviation of CCMS) in embracing the joyous occasion. It was an immensely fulfilling experience that motivated me to continue exploring the world of digital art and its ability to evoke emotions and capture the essence of special moments.

DSPC 2019 Online Collaborative Publishing Champion 

(Regional Qualifier)

The journey to the Regional Schools Press Conference in 2019 marked a significant milestone for me as I competed as a website designer and layout artist for our school's publishing team. Emerging as the champion in the Online Collaborative Publishing category was an exceptional achievement and introduced me to the world of programming in a profound way. This experience ignited a deep interest within me for programming and its ability to bring ideas to life through digital mediums. Being part of the publishing team allowed me to combine my creativity with technical skills, resulting in captivating and visually appealing websites. The recognition and success in this competition served as a catalyst, inspiring me to further explore programming and its limitless potential in shaping the digital landscape.

Japanese Speakers Forum Philippines (2019)

Japanese Speakers Forum Philippines (2019) - The Japanese Speakers Forum Program hosted by Japan Foundation and Kamenori Foundation in the Philippines remains a cherished memory for me. This forum brought together individuals who shared a passion for solving global environmental problems, transcending language and cultural barriers to foster deep and lasting friendships. Participating in this program was a truly enriching experience, where the spirit of "Think Mottainai!" (a concept of minimizing waste and cherishing resources) was instilled in us. The forum provided a platform for meaningful discussions, cross-cultural exchange, and collaborative problem-solving. It not only broadened my perspective on global environmental issues but also highlighted the power of unity and cooperation in creating a sustainable future.