
Our paper titled "The effect of vacancies and the substitution of p-block atoms on single-layer buckled germanium selenide" published in RSC Advances (2017).

Our paper titled "Point defects in buckled and asymmetric washboard phases of arsenic phosphorus: A first principles study" published in Computational Material Science (2017).

Işıl ILGAZ has joined our group. Welcome! (November 2017)

M.Yağız BAKIR has joined our group. Welcome! (December 2017)

Congratulations to Dr. Fatih Ersan on his successful dissertation defense

Dr. Duygu ÖZAYDIN has joined our group. Welcome! (February 2017)

Results of the work Prof. Ciraci and Prof. Aktürk and Dr. Ersan with the title "Stable single-layer structure of group-V elements" is selected as Kaleidoscope by Physical Review B.