
Welcome to Aksharam's Academic page !

Every academic year starts with a great enthusiasm and encouragement. However, the same energy seldom continues, and pressure build up for the exams towards the end. Apart from this, the students are faced with many other distractions by way of holidays and extra curricular activities, that cannot be avoided.

In order to help students to be in touch with their academics 24/7, this site has been created.

The initial effort in this direction is done by Team Aksharam, dedicating these pages to the V-Semester students of Printing Technology (Diploma), following the syllabus as prescribed by the Directorate of Technical Education, Tamilnadu, India.

To start with, the theory subject "Electronic Publishing" is taken up. Based on our learning experience and student's receptivity, this will be extended to other subjects as well.

In an academic stream where there are no Text Books, students depend completely on the notes in the class as well as from the previous years' notes offered by senior students who have successfully cleared the relevant subjects.

Thanks to Arasan Ganesan Polytechnic (click here to visit their website) who had been sharing notes every year to help students of Printing Diploma. Team Aksharam wishes and hopes to complement this effort.

Wish all the enthusiastic students "the best".