A lover of crafting seamless digital experiences for people 

✧ Blurb ✧

Hello reader! Nice to meet you 🤗 

I'm Akshara, a 3rd-year student in Interactive Systems Design Honors at the U of S. 

My first reaction when I saw a video about product design as a career last year was "Wait, you can do that for a living?" It seemed so perfect for me!

As you can tell, I have loved it ever since. So much so that, I was inspired to start our UX Community, the U of S UX Collective.

Our community has grown to 200+ members and I have had the chance to meet some wonderful people through the club.

A lot of my time day-to-day is spend managing 20 executives to work on our websites, events, newsletters, social media and sharing learning resources about design. (And I love it!)

We are always looking for cool collaborations so please get in touch usaskuxcollective@ussu.ca and we can chat!

🎮 Currently Playing:  Animal Crossing New Horizons

📕 Currently Reading: Data feminism

📚 Last Read: Design Justice

🎥 Last Watched: X-Files

🖥 Down a rabbit hole on the internet: Neocities

🤖 Current Product Obsession: Are.na

👩🏻 Current inspiration: Laurel Schwulst