Long-term and Intergenerational Effects of Education: Evidence from School Construction in Indonesia (with Daniel Halim and Marieke Kleemans), Economic Journal, 2023, 133(650): 582-612
First and Second Generation Impacts of the Biafran War (with Sonia Bhalotra, Marinella Leone, and Una Osili), Journal of Human Resources, 2023, 58(2): 488-531
Detailed Geographic Information, Conflict Exposure, and Health Impacts (with German Caruso and Harsha Thirumurthy), World Development, 2022, 155: 105890. (Previous title: Medium-Term Health Impacts of Shocks Experienced In Utero and After Birth: Evidence from Detailed Geographic Information on War Exposure)
Climate Change, Conflict, and Children, Future of Children, 2016, 26(1): 51-71. [Abstract]
Altruism, Cooperation, and Efficiency: Agricultural Production in Polygynous Households (with Joyce Chen and Charity Moore), Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2016, 64(4): 661-696. [Download paper] [Abstract]
Alternative Cash Transfer Delivery Mechanisms: Impacts on Routine Preventative Health Clinic Visits in Burkina Faso (with Damien de Walque and Harounan Kazianga), Invited paper. NBER African Successes: Human Capital, volume 2. Editors, Sebastian Edwards, Simon Johnson, and David Weil. University of Chicago Press, 2016 [Download paper] [Abstract]
Wars and Child Health: Evidence from the Eritrean-Ethiopian Conflict (with Leonardo Lucchetti and Harsha Thirumurthy), Journal of Development Economics, 2012, 99(2): 330-340. [Download paper] [Abstract]
IZA Discussion Paper 5558; Households in Conflict Network Working Paper 89; BREAD Working Paper 310
Child Ability and Household Human Capital Investment Decisions in Burkina Faso (with Emilie Bagby, Damien de Walque, and Harounan Kazianga), Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2012, 61(1): 157-186. [Download paper] [Abstract]
World Bank Blog Post (in French)
IZA Discussion Paper 5326; World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 5370; BREAD Working Paper 308
War and Stature: Growing Up During the Nigerian Civil War (with Sonia Bhalotra, Marinella Leone, and Una Osili), American Economic Review (Papers & Proceedings), 2012, 102(3): 273-277. [Download paper] [Abstract]
Productive Efficiency and the Scope for Cooperation in Polygynous Households, (with Joyce Chen and Charity Moore), American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2012, 94(2): 395-401. [Download paper]
Using Achievement Tests to Measure Language Assimilation and Language Bias among the Children of Immigrants, (with Ilana Redstone Akresh), Journal of Human Resources, 2011, 46(3): 647-667. [Download paper] [Abstract]
Civil War, Crop Failure, and Child Stunting in Rwanda, (with Philip Verwimp and Tom Bundervoet), Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2011, 59(4): 777-810. (Previous title: Civil War, Crop Failure, and the Health Status of Young Children) [Download paper] [Abstract]
Flexibility of Household Structure: Child Fostering Decisions in Burkina Faso, Journal of Human Resources, 2009, 44(4): 976-997. (Previous title: Risk, Network Quality, and Family Structure: Child Fostering Decisions in Burkina Faso) [Download paper] [Abstract]
IZA Discussion Paper 1471; Yale Economic Growth Center Working Paper 902; BREAD Working Paper 65
Health and Civil War in Rural Burundi, (with Philip Verwimp and Tom Bundervoet), Journal of Human Resources, 2009, 44(2): 536-563. [Download paper] [Abstract]
Policy papers
The Impact of Violent Conflict on Child Health: What are the Channels? (with Philip Verwimp and Tom Bundervoet), 2010, MICROCON Policy Briefing No. 6