Plastic Surgery in Tirunelveli

Understanding Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery in Detail

Plastic surgery can help in alleviating physical ailments or improve your appearance. Surgical procedures can be performed on the face, arms, neck, legs, breasts, and stomach. Reconstructive surgery restores function by repairing injuries. Cosmetic surgery improves appearance for non-medical reasons. AKJ Skin and Laser Centre provides the best plastic surgery in Tirunelveli under the guidance of world-renowned surgeons.

A Brief Explanation of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery comprises a series of treatments that alter various elements of the body. Despite their apparent similarities, "cosmetic surgery" and "reconstructive plastic surgery" refer to different procedures.

Plastic surgeons are the ones who do reconstructive and plastic surgery. A number of surgeons do cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery may be performed by a dermatologist, plastic surgeon, otolaryngologist, or other medical expert. Surgeons with specialised education and experience are more likely to give you better results. They must have undergone rigorous training to demonstrate their understanding of processes.

All You Need to Know About Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery

Let us discuss in detail about reconstructive and cosmetic surgery here.

Reconstructive surgery
Reconstructive surgery is a widely used medical speciality that involves repairing and reconstructing various body parts. It is commonly used to repair birth defects such as congenital lip, palate and hand deformities, craniosynostosis, and hypospadias. Additionally, it is used to correct microtia, reduce breast size, and perform breast augmentation and mastopexy.

Facial procedures include raising eyebrows, lifting cheeks, facelifts, correcting double chins, and rhinoplasty and eyelid surgery. Liposuction is also a common procedure. Reconstructive plastic surgery is also used in gender confirmation surgeries to feminise or masculinize the face and in gender-specific genitoplasty, such as phalloplasty. Orthognathic surgery involves reconstructing the jaw, while limb restoration involves repairing damaged limbs. Reconstructive bone grafting is also used in plastic surgery to repair bone damage or deformities.

Cosmetic surgery
Cosmetic surgery improves appearance for non-medical reasons. These therapies focus on the physical qualities that make you aware of yourself. Cosmetic surgery can allow you to get closer to your ideal body image. This type of surgery modifies features such as shape or asymmetry. For a majority of the individuals, the benefits of reconstructive or cosmetic surgery are more when compared to the risks. They provide:

Cosmetic surgery comes with inherent risks and complications that can vary depending on the type of surgery, medical history, and lifestyle factors such as smoking. Surgical procedures can cause significant changes to healthy areas of the body. Slow healing of wounds and incisions is also possible.

An Overview of the Recovery After Plastic Surgery

When the anaesthesia wears off, you will be allowed to go home. But, if you prefer to stay back in the hospital, it usually only takes one or two nights. Before you go home, you will be given a few instructions. By following them correctly, you can reduce the possibility of difficulties. Your recovery routine at home may include the following:

You can resume your typical activities in some time depending on the procedure. The swelling can take a long time to wear away after sophisticated procedures like facial feminization surgery. Additional therapy may be required for your recovery at times like:

Plastic surgery offers a range of procedures to repair, reconstruct, or enhance various parts of the body. It can address birth defects and injuries or improve one's appearance. While cosmetic surgery comes with inherent risks and complications, it can also provide significant benefits such as pain relief, increased mobility, and improved self-confidence. It is important to carefully consider each procedure's potential risks and benefits and consult with a qualified plastic surgeon before making any decisions. Contact AKJ Skin and Laser Centre to get the best plastic surgery in Tirunelveli with world-class standards.

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