3D printed antennas

Typically, antennas used in light fixtures are buried inside, with an overall enclosure surrounding the fixture components. As part of my master's project, I examined how different enclosure materials attenuate signal strength and how better signal strength can be achieved when the antenna is placed outside the enclosures. To enhance signal strength in intelligent light systems, I am currently exploring the possibilities of using 3D printing antennas on the exterior of light fixtures. 

3D printing antennas for light fixtures

I presented the novel concept of 3D printing antennas on lighting fixtures at the 2021 Annual conference of Illumination Engineering Society (IES) North America. My findings discussed the feasibility of using 3D-printed antennas and their potential to enhance signal strength.

Affect of 3D printed parameters on printed antennas

When placing antennas on 3D-printed surfaces, it is essential to consider the influence of 3D-printing geometries and print materials on resonance frequencies. Therefore, I continued to examine the effect of different infill percentages and printing materials on an antenna's resonance frequency. My work towards integrating 3D printed electromagnetics elements into lighting systems has been recently recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in the 2022 Solid-State Lighting Workshop student poster competition.