Conferences & Workshops Attended
07/2024: Virtually online, North America.
Women in Combinatorics (WinCom) 5th Anniversary Conference
12/2023: Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
Conference on Experimental Design and Analysis (CEDA 2023)
09/2023: Virtually online, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel.
2nd International Conference on Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications (ICECA 2023)
05/2023: The University of Memphis, USA.
International Conference on Design of Experiment (ICODOE)
01/2023: BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus, India.
Workshop on Line graph and Labeling on Graphs
01/2023: Virtually online, University of Delhi, India.
International Conference on Graphs, Networks, and Combinatorics (ICGNC 2023)
01/2023: BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus, India.
9th International Conference on Mathematics and Computing (ICMC 2023)
12/2022: Virtually online, Tohoku University, Japan.
Workshop on Combinatorial Reconfiguration and Fixed-Parameter Tractability
12/2022: Virtually online, IIT Gandhinagar, India.
Randomized Methods for Approximation and Parameterized Algorithms
06/2022: Virtually online, Field Institute, Toronto, Canada.
Stinson66 - New Advances in Designs, Codes, and Cryptography
02/2022: Virtually online, Dubai, UAE. (Session Chair)
International Conference on Graphs, Combinatorics, and Optimization (ICGCO 2022)
12/2021: Virtually online, India.
41st IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS)
10/2021: Virtually online, USA.
The Design and Analysis of Experiments Conference (DAE)
05/2021: Virtually online, Canada.
The 8th biennial Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference (CanaDAM)
03/2021: Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, USA.
The 52nd Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing (SEICCGTC 52)
10/2019: The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA.
The Design and Analysis of Experiments Conference (DAE)
06/2019: SFU, Vancouver, Canada.
The 14th International Conference on Finite Fields and their Applications (Fq14)
05/2019: SFU, Vancouver, Canada.
The 7th biennial Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference (CanaDAM)
12/2018: NTHU, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Conference on Experimental Design and Analysis (CEDA)
06/2018: NUS, Singapore.
The 5th Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting (IMS-APRM)
03/2018: NTNU, Taipei, Taiwan.
The 5th Taiwan-Japan Conference on Combinatorics and its Applications
11/2017: Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
2017 Chen Jung Hsu Lectures: Maria Chudnovsky
10/2017: Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
Workshop for Junior Researchers on Analytic and Enumerative Aspects of Combinatorics
10/2017: UCLA, California, USA.
The Design and Analysis of Experiments Conference (DAE)
07/2017: Tamkang University, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
Fifth India-Taiwan Conference on Discrete Mathematics (ITCDM)
06/2017: The db San Antonio Hotel, Qawra, Malta.
The Second Malta Conference in Graph Theory and Combinatorics (MCGTC)
05/2017: Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
International Conference on Combinatorics
02/2017: Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, India.
ISI-ISM-ISSAS Joint Conference
12/2016: Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
Conference on Experimental Design and Analysis (CEDA)
03/2016: The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India.
ATMW Probability and Representation Theory
12/2015: University of Technology Sydney, Australia.
Designed Experiments: Recent Advances in Methods and Applications Conference (DEMA)
12/2015: University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
The 39th Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing (ACCMCC)
08/2015: CNCC, Beijing, China.
The 8th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM)
07/2015: IIT Madras, Chennai, India.
Fourth India-Taiwan Conference on Discrete Mathematics (ITCDM)
11/2014: Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India.
National Workshop on Zeta Functions of Graphs
07/2014: IISER Pune, India.
Young Women and Mathematics Conference (YWM)
05/2013: IISER Pune, India.
Workshop on Chevalley Groups
08/2012: Cochin, India.
International Conference on Eco-friendly Computing and Communication Systems (ICECCS)