Akhil Kurup, Ph.D.

Welcome to my personal webpage

I am Akhil Kurup, a Senior Software Engineer working at General Motors. In the Software Defined Vehicles group, I work on sensor fusion, focusing on multimodal sensor alignment.

I received my Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Michigan Tech in 2022, where I worked on problems in robotics and Autonomous Vehicles (AV). The focus of my work is on perception using multimodal sensors (Camera, LiDAR, RADAR, etc.) and the use of machine learning to further autonomy tasks. My previous experience as an embedded engineer is helping me fulfill my aspiration of becoming a full-stack roboticist! 

I represented Michigan Tech in the SAE AutoDrive challenge where I worked on Perception (2D and 3D) tasks like object detection and tracking, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), interfacing different vehicle subsystems, and overall AV testing. 

Please check out my Projects and Publications and don't hesitate to contact me for more insights or ideas or just a chat!