Akhil Bhardwaj

Analyst • Economist • Teacher

Hi, I'm Akhil!

Welcome to my site!

I am currently working in the TMT and M&A strategy space with Capitel as an associate. I graduated from Ashoka University with a BSc. in Economics and Finance, and I'm aspiring to pursue a Masters in Finance to further my career in IB / M&A.

I absolutely loved my time at Ashoka and what I studied, and hope to continue independent research which I shall share on this website.

In my free time, I enjoy reading non-fiction, learning languages and listening to Carnatic fusion. I like to occupy myself with stock trading and teaching as well.

My time with Teach for India as a mathematics teacher for Grade IV students has been highly rewarding - I look forward to taking up high-impact teaching projects outside my academic and professional pursuits.

If you would like to connect with me, please reach out on LinkedIn or via email!