The first step is to download the latest release of Kickstart. It can be always retrieved by visiting It comes as a ZIP package. Do not try to install it in Joomla!, WordPress, Drupal etc. Instead you'll have to unzip it first. The extracted files are kickstart.php and a lot of .ini, .js and .pem files.

The second step is uploading those files to your server. Upload kickstart.php and any files you may need to the server path you want the restored site to be installed. If you want the site to be extracted to your domain's root (something like ) you'll have to locate your web root. On most servers it appears as a directory named public_html, httpdocs, htdocs, www or something similar when you connect to your account by FTP. If unsure, ask your host. They know which directory it is without having to guess.

Akeeba Kickstart Core Download

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If you are using Kickstart Professional you MUST rename kickstart.php to something that does not include the word "kickstart", e.g. wfklgjhwelkurgh.php. Kickstart will refuse to operate otherwise. This is a security precaution which cannot be circumvented.

For quickstart install, simple is you just unzip quickstart paclage, you will see files .ini and .jpa, just upload all files to your website space and run install panel by access [yoursite]/kickstart.php

The most common issue of all is, surprisingly, not having enough disk space. In order to restore a backup archive you need to have at least as much space as kickstart.php, your backup archive and all of the extracted files occupy. As a rule of thumb, you need about 2.5 times as much disk space as your backup archive. In other words, if you have a 100Mb archive file, make sure your site has at least 250Mb of free space before uploading Kickstart and the backup archive to it.

First, upload kickstart.php and the archive file(s) to your server. Before starting Kickstart, you will have to do some preparatory work. Using your FTP client application, create a directory named kicktemp inside the same directory kickstart.php is in. For example, if kickstart.php is in public_html directory you have to create the kicktemp directory inside the public_html directory. Using your FTP client application give that directory 0777 permissions (read, write and browse/execute to owner, group and others). Don't worry, we will get rid of that directory later.

Once you have created the new MYSQL database and user name you need to upload quickstart.jpa and kickstart.php included in the quickstart folder included inside this quick start package. 

The quickstart.jpa will install a new default installation of Joomla plus the Joomla template you have downloaded in our site. After you have installed the quickstart.jpa file you will have an exact copy of the template.

The quickstart.jpa file will extract all the files and data to the directory you upload it to. If you upload quickstart.jpa & kickstart.php to a sub directory it will extract all the files to the sub directory. If you upload them to the root public_html directory it will extract the files to the public_html directory.

It allows you to download whole backup to your local computer or pendrive. Developer of this plugin suggest to download it using FTP client, because .jpa files are stored also on hosting in folder: wp-content/plugins/akeebabackupcore/app/backups/

Step 7: Users of the free (Core) version can only restore their backups manually using Akeeba Kickstart script ( It is a simple to use script which allows you to extract your archives directly onto the server, as well as recreate and configure the WordPress environment from the Akeeba backup JPA file. Kickstart is not an installer. It is only an archive extraction tool. You have to upload the kickstart.php and your language file (the INI files are translation files) and of course your archive to the target server.

Next, using the FTP client, navigate to the location on your computer where you saved the .jpa and kickstart.php files. Upload both the .jpa and the kickstart.php file to the httpdocs folder. It's important to note that when you download the Kickstart.php file it comes in a .zip file with two other Java Script files. You should also upload these to your site as seen in the screenshot below.

Next, go to the front end of the site and run the Akeeba Kickstart.php to extract the files on the server. Because you've already uploaded the kickstart.php file to your site using FTP, simply browse to the file by typing in "/kickstart.php" at the end of your domain name.

So after creating a new Joomla! installation and the coressponding Database, the next thing we need to do is extract the "kickstart.php"-file from the Akeeba Kickstart container. (Don't mind the other files, they are not necessary).

Kickstart.php is the application used to unpack the Akeeba archive and help walk you through the restore process. You can download the Kickstart.php and en-GB.kickstart files from the Akeeba website Downloads Section.

Copy the Akeeba backup archive, Kickstart.php and en-GB.kickstart files to the /public_html folder by highlighting the three files then right-click and Upload. Once done the three files should show in the right hand window as in the image below.

Left-click the Clean Up files button. This removes the Akeeba archive, kickstart.php and en-GB.kickstart files you uploaded. This is necessary to prevent someone visiting your site and running the restore process again. Once completed you will see the following screen.

Ho provato a eseguire perfettamente questa procedura, ma nel momento in cui voglio aprire mi da errore 404, non riesco a capire il perch, se magari mi fate il favore di darmi delucidazioni

This page contains detailed information about how to use the exploit/unix/webapp/joomla_akeeba_unserialize metasploit module. For list of all metasploit modules, visit the Metasploit Module Library.

kickstart.php is a small file that, well, kickstarts the Joomla installer into motion, more or less. You can download the latest version of kickstart from Akeeba on this page. After downloading, extract the file and move or FTP kickstart.php into the same directory that your archive file is in.

Using a web browser, navigate to wherever the archive file and kickstart.php are waiting. On your local machine, that should be localhost/[folder name]. On the web, type in the URL of the website-to-be. Either way you should then see a directory listing that will include your archive file and kickstart.php. Click on kickstart.php and the installation begins. If you get an error message right away, you may find this documentation to be helpful.

This step is pretty simple and straightforward. All you have to do is download Akeeba Kickstart to your computer. Do keep this in mind, from the downloaded folder the only file we need is the kickstart.php file.

Yes, like with any other software, you need to learn the basics. Good news is: you can. And especialliy for newbies, we have a new series: Explore the Core. First article in the series is here: -issues/february-2021/explore-the-core-organise-your-content-with-articles-and-categories

Keep spreading the Joomla love

This audit checks if any of the files distributed in the core WordPress or Joomla packages have been modified or are missing. As shown below, the path to any missing or modified files is shown so it can be replaced with an original copy.

You can just move the database, and install the 1.14.1 core files, copy the /include/ost-config.php file and then run the upgrader [which is what i do when i move sites / clone sites for testing]. I tell people to make sure that they back up both prior to doing things in case they need to restore for any reason.

Hi @ntozier. I have now used akeeba kickstart and Akeeba solo to migrate the OS Ticket to a new server.

Although the process seems to have worked, I cannot access the page.

I am seeing an error.: "Fatal Error: Contact system administrator."

I have checked the following.

Plugins work behind the scenes to add functionality and handle important internal functions. They do everything from handling user authentication to modifying the way content is displayed. There are well over a hundred different core plugins installed with Joomla. They are sorted into folders by type based on what they do.

The "Extensions: Manage" page summarizes every extension installed in Joomla. This includes both core extensions that come with Joomla and are required to make it work, and any third-party extension you may install. There are several hundred core extensions. Everything from the component that manages users to the menu system can be found here. You do not need to understand what every single one of them does. Unless you know what you're doing, you should be fine largely leaving this area alone. e24fc04721

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