
CHE611: Transport Phenomena        [2024-2025 I]  Course Outline

CHE212: Heat Transfer: Theory, Simulations and Experiments        [2023-2024 II]

Lecture Notes on low Reynolds number hydrodynamics

Stokes flows_introduction.pdf
Reciprocal Theorem.pdf

These lecture materials are a part of Akash's teaching experience at IIT Madras. Books from Guazzelli and Morris and Kim and Karrila were used.

21-23 Sep. (2020)

Coordinator & instructor for a 3-day online workshop on Introduction to process simulation using Scilab for the students affiliated to Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University Bhilai.

3 Mar. 2020

Instructor for a workshop on Introduction to Symbolic Computing using Mathematica during the Annual Research Symposium held at Indian Institute of Technology Madras.

Jan. 2020 - May (2020)

Graduate level course on Multiphase Flows (IIT Madras).  Delivered total of eight lectures on regular and singular perturbation theory.

Jul. -Nov. (2018,2019)

Graduate level course on Steady State and Dynamical Systems (IIT Madras). I delivered three lectures on the applications of linear stability analysis. Conducted several workshops on using MATLAB and MatCont for dynamical analysis.

Jan.- May (2017,2018,2019)

Graduate level course on Mathematical methods in Chemical Engineering (IIT Madras). In addition to teaching assistance, I delivered total of ten lectures on applications of Sturm–Liouville theory and Green’s function.

Jul.–Nov. (2016)

Teaching assistant for Graduate level tutorial sessions on using MATLAB and ASPEN software for chemical engineering applications (IIT Madras, India).