
"So I may have listened to a bit of your training here and there, but hey, what matters now is that you have someone who can help diagnose the problem, to make your job easier!"

Basic info:

Name: OrioleKit; OriolePaw; OriolePelt

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 38 moons

Personality: Kind, Wise, a tad sarcastic, And eager to learn, even occasionally listening to the lessons between the medcat their apprentice

Positives: He is a quick learner and has near photographic memory.

Negatives: He doesn't always know how to explain certain tasks.

Appearance: Mostly black pelt with a few dark orange spots on his back, mostly near his tail, and one around his left eye, that extends along the left side of the muzzle. His front paws are almost pure white, with his back paws looking slightly tan.


Apprentice: Blackpaw- 12 moon old she-cat


  • Daughter: DewPaw